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Professor Richard Scholar's Outputs (5)

Inventing Utopia: The Case of Early Modern France (2023)
Book Chapter
Scholar, R. (2023). Inventing Utopia: The Case of Early Modern France. In C. Shrank, & P. Withington (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Thomas More’s Utopia. Oxford University Press

Inventing Utopia in early modern France invariably meant, in some way or other, translating the text. This was a complex process activating the full range of meanings that French in the period lent to the verb traduire: it involved transportation, ap... Read More about Inventing Utopia: The Case of Early Modern France.

Dans les marges de l'utopie: le Commentario d’Ortensio Lando (2021)
Book Chapter
Scholar, R. (2021). Dans les marges de l'utopie: le Commentario d’Ortensio Lando. In T. Reeser, & D. LaGuardia (Eds.), Théories critiques et littérature de la Renaissance: mélanges offerts à Lawrence Kritzman (91-98). Classiques Garnier

Montaigne on Free-Thinking (2017)
Book Chapter
Scholar, R. (2017). Montaigne on Free-Thinking. In P. Desan (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Montaigne (434-452). Oxford University Press.

Abstract and Keywords This essay suggests that free-thinking is an important and often misunderstood context for the venture—and adventure—of Montaigne’s Essays. Where free-thinking is now generally understood to indicate a principled independence fr... Read More about Montaigne on Free-Thinking.

The Archipelago Goes Global: Late Glissant and the Early Modern Isolario (2015)
Book Chapter
Scholar, R. (2015). The Archipelago Goes Global: Late Glissant and the Early Modern Isolario. In E. Sansavior, & R. Scholar (Eds.), Caribbean Globalizations, 1492 to the Present Day (33-57). Liverpool University Press

Caribbean Globalizations explores the relations between globalization and the Caribbean since 1492, when Columbus first arrived in the region, to the present day. It aims to help change prevalent ways of thinking, not only about the Caribbean archipe... Read More about The Archipelago Goes Global: Late Glissant and the Early Modern Isolario.