Personalising learning: the learner perspective and their influence on demand Final report.
Robinson, C., Sebba, J., Mackrill, D., & Higgins, S. (2008). Personalising learning: the learner perspective and their influence on demand Final report. Becta
Professor Steven Higgins' Outputs (5)
Personalising learning: the learner perspective and their influence on demand Review report. (2008)
Higgins, S., Sebba, J., roninson, C., & Mackrill, D. (2008). Personalising learning: the learner perspective and their influence on demand Review report. Becta
Mathematical learning and the use of information and communications technology in the early years. (2008)
Book Chapter
Higgins, S. (2008). Mathematical learning and the use of information and communications technology in the early years. In I. Thompson (Ed.), Teaching and Learning Early Number (214-221). (2nd). Open University Press
Learning to Learn Phase 3 evaluation: Final report. (2008)
Higgins, S., Baumfield, V., Hall, E., Moseley, D., Wall, K., & Woolner, P. (2008). Learning to Learn Phase 3 evaluation: Final report. [No known commissioning body]
Bridge Model Evaluation Final Report for the National College for School Leadership. (2008)
Higgins, S., Wiggins, A., & Searle, J. (2008). Bridge Model Evaluation Final Report for the National College for School Leadership. [No known commissioning body]