La Mondialisation à la Loupe des Géographes de la Santé.
Book Chapter
Atkinson, S., & Vaguet, A. (2011). La Mondialisation à la Loupe des Géographes de la Santé. In S. Fleuret, & A. Hoyez (Eds.), Santé et Géographie: Nouveaux Regards (15-37). Economica
Professor Sarah Atkinson's Outputs (5)
Moves to measure wellbeing must support a social model of health (2011)
Journal Article
Atkinson, S. (2011). Moves to measure wellbeing must support a social model of health. eBMJ (London), 343(7832), Article d7323.
Scales of Care and Responsibility: debating the surgically globalised body (2011)
Journal Article
Atkinson, S. (2011). Scales of Care and Responsibility: debating the surgically globalised body. Social and Cultural Geography, 12(6), 623-637. paper initiates debate for geographers on the nature of care in relation to the self explored through the practices of aesthetic surgery. Central to debates on the meanings and relations of aesthetic surgery are a set of problematics related to... Read More about Scales of Care and Responsibility: debating the surgically globalised body.
The place and practices of wellbeing in local governance (2011)
Journal Article
Atkinson, S., & Joyce, K. (2011). The place and practices of wellbeing in local governance. Environment and planning. C, Government and policy, 29(1), 133-148. concept of well-being has become prominent within national policy goals in the UK since the end of the 1990s. However, the concept of well-being remains ill defined, an instability that is increasingly understood as problematic to policy making.... Read More about The place and practices of wellbeing in local governance.
Care of the body: spaces of practice (2011)
Journal Article
Atkinson, S., Lawson, V., & Wiles, J. (2011). Care of the body: spaces of practice. Social and Cultural Geography, 12(6), 563-572.—concept, emotion, practice, politics, moral exhortation—is a starting point for a range of critical geographies. Care affords geographers a richness of possibilities through which to engage critically with a range of politically charged discours... Read More about Care of the body: spaces of practice.