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Professor Roger Mac Ginty's Outputs (3)

The data myth: interrogating the evidence base for evidence-based peacebuilding (2024)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R., & Firchow, P. (2024). The data myth: interrogating the evidence base for evidence-based peacebuilding. Data & Policy, 6, Article e80.

This article interrogates three claims made in relation to the use of data in relation to peace. That more data, faster data, and impartial data will lead to better policy and practice outcomes. Taken together, this data myth relies on a lack of curi... Read More about The data myth: interrogating the evidence base for evidence-based peacebuilding.

Simultaneously inhabited lifeworlds: A phenomenological approach to understanding peace and conflict (2024)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R. (online). Simultaneously inhabited lifeworlds: A phenomenological approach to understanding peace and conflict. Cooperation and Conflict,

This article seeks to show the value of a phenomenological lens in understanding conflict-affected societies. In particular, it uses a phenomenological lens to unpack how individuals and communities simultaneously inhabit a number of lifeworlds as pa... Read More about Simultaneously inhabited lifeworlds: A phenomenological approach to understanding peace and conflict.

The micro-dynamics of peace and conflict (2024)
Journal Article
Brett, R., Ginty, R. M., Sagherian-Dickey, T., & Voyvodic, C. (2024). The micro-dynamics of peace and conflict. Security Dialogue, 55(5), 443-461.

The study of micro-dynamics has grown over the last two decades, emerging now as a mainstay in research on peace and conflict. The focus on micro-dynamics, and other micro-level approaches, challenges the primacy of state-centric research. Yet despit... Read More about The micro-dynamics of peace and conflict.