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Professor Roger Mac Ginty's Outputs (30)

After war ends: Aid paradigms and post-conflict preferences (2025)
Journal Article
Firchow, P., Funk, J., & Mac Ginty, R. (2025). After war ends: Aid paradigms and post-conflict preferences. World Development, 189, Article 106916.

This article is interested in aid preferences, or what people desire in terms of aid, in a post-conflict and post peace accord context. When examining post-conflict preferences around peace thirty years after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we obs... Read More about After war ends: Aid paradigms and post-conflict preferences.

The data myth: interrogating the evidence base for evidence-based peacebuilding (2024)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R., & Firchow, P. (2024). The data myth: interrogating the evidence base for evidence-based peacebuilding. Data & Policy, 6, Article e80.

This article interrogates three claims made in relation to the use of data in relation to peace. That more data, faster data, and impartial data will lead to better policy and practice outcomes. Taken together, this data myth relies on a lack of curi... Read More about The data myth: interrogating the evidence base for evidence-based peacebuilding.

Simultaneously inhabited lifeworlds: A phenomenological approach to understanding peace and conflict (2024)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R. (online). Simultaneously inhabited lifeworlds: A phenomenological approach to understanding peace and conflict. Cooperation and Conflict,

This article seeks to show the value of a phenomenological lens in understanding conflict-affected societies. In particular, it uses a phenomenological lens to unpack how individuals and communities simultaneously inhabit a number of lifeworlds as pa... Read More about Simultaneously inhabited lifeworlds: A phenomenological approach to understanding peace and conflict.

The micro-dynamics of peace and conflict (2024)
Journal Article
Brett, R., Ginty, R. M., Sagherian-Dickey, T., & Voyvodic, C. (2024). The micro-dynamics of peace and conflict. Security Dialogue, 55(5), 443-461.

The study of micro-dynamics has grown over the last two decades, emerging now as a mainstay in research on peace and conflict. The focus on micro-dynamics, and other micro-level approaches, challenges the primacy of state-centric research. Yet despit... Read More about The micro-dynamics of peace and conflict.

Temporality and contextualisation in Peace and Conflict Studies: The forgotten value of war memoirs and personal diaries (2021)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R. (2022). Temporality and contextualisation in Peace and Conflict Studies: The forgotten value of war memoirs and personal diaries. Cooperation and Conflict, 57(2), 191-209.

This article contributes to debates on appropriate levels of analysis, temporality, and the utility of fieldwork in relation to Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS), and International Relations more generally. It observes a recentism or privileging of th... Read More about Temporality and contextualisation in Peace and Conflict Studies: The forgotten value of war memoirs and personal diaries.

Power or peace? Restoration or emancipation through peace processes (2021)
Journal Article
Richmond, O. P., Mac Ginty, R., Pogodda, S., & Visoka, G. (2021). Power or peace? Restoration or emancipation through peace processes. Peacebuilding, 9(3), 243-257.

Recent critical academic work in Peace and Conflict Studies has concentrated on the agential aspects of peace but has somewhat neglected structural issues and the different types of power that may be an obstacle to peace. Yet, for peace to take root,... Read More about Power or peace? Restoration or emancipation through peace processes.

Conflict disruption: Reassessing the peaceandconflict system (2021)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R. (2022). Conflict disruption: Reassessing the peaceandconflict system. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 16(1), 40-58.

The notion of conflict disruption is proposed as an addition to the established conflict response framework of conflict management, resolution and transformation. Drawing on Schumpeter’s idea of creative disruption, the article considers how disrupti... Read More about Conflict disruption: Reassessing the peaceandconflict system.

The EU and Critical Crisis Transformation: The Evolution of a Policy Concept (2021)
Journal Article
Pogodda, S., Mac Ginty, R., & Richmond, O. (2021). The EU and Critical Crisis Transformation: The Evolution of a Policy Concept. Conflict, Security and Development, 21(1), 85-106.

While often caused by conflict, crises are treated by the EU as a phenomenon of their own. Contemporary EU crisis management represents a watering down of normative EU approaches to peacebuilding, reduced to a technical exercise with the limited ambi... Read More about The EU and Critical Crisis Transformation: The Evolution of a Policy Concept.

Post-legitimacy and post-legitimisation: a convergence of Western and non-Western intervention (2019)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R. (2019). Post-legitimacy and post-legitimisation: a convergence of Western and non-Western intervention. Conflict, Security and Development, 19(3), 251-255.

This contribution makes the point that we have entered an era of post-legitimisation whereby intervening states invest little energy into justifying their international interventions. Non-Western intervening states are often accused of offering very... Read More about Post-legitimacy and post-legitimisation: a convergence of Western and non-Western intervention.

Complementarity and Interdisciplinarity in Peace and Conflict Studies (2019)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R. (2019). Complementarity and Interdisciplinarity in Peace and Conflict Studies. Journal of Global Security Studies, 4(2), 267-272.

This essay unpacks some of the nuances and complexities of peace and conflict studies. While it accepts that there are divisions between those who study conflict and those who study peace, it argues that there are also multiple sites of overlap and c... Read More about Complementarity and Interdisciplinarity in Peace and Conflict Studies.

Circuits, the everyday and international relations: Connecting the home to the international and transnational (2019)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R. (2019). Circuits, the everyday and international relations: Connecting the home to the international and transnational. Cooperation and Conflict, 54(2), 234-253.

The primary aim of this article is methodological. It proposes circuitry as an analytical device – not a mere metaphor – as a way of connecting the everyday and the hyper-local to the national, international, transnational and all levels in between.... Read More about Circuits, the everyday and international relations: Connecting the home to the international and transnational.

Liberal Peace Implementation and the Durability of Post-war Peace (2019)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R., Joshi, M., & Lee, S. (2019). Liberal Peace Implementation and the Durability of Post-war Peace. International Peacekeeping, 26(4), 457-486.

This article examines the correlation between the implementation of liberal peace provisions in peace accords and the duration of peace by drawing on data from the Peace Accords Matrix that comprises 34 comprehensive peace agreements signed in the po... Read More about Liberal Peace Implementation and the Durability of Post-war Peace.

Including Hard-to-Access Populations Using Mobile Phone Surveys and Participatory Indicators (2017)
Journal Article
Firchow, P., & Mac Ginty, R. (2020). Including Hard-to-Access Populations Using Mobile Phone Surveys and Participatory Indicators. Sociological Methods and Research, 49(1), 133-160.

One of the main obstacles for survey researchers—especially those conducting surveys in difficult contexts such as postconflict areas—is accessing respondents. In order to address this problem, this article draws on an ongoing research project to ref... Read More about Including Hard-to-Access Populations Using Mobile Phone Surveys and Participatory Indicators.

A material turn in International Relations: the 4x4, intervention and resistance (2017)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R. (2017). A material turn in International Relations: the 4x4, intervention and resistance. Review of International Studies, 43(05), 855-874.

This article explores how analysis of material objects offers insights into international intervention and reactions to that intervention. Building on studies that examine the 4x4 as emblematic of intervention, the article argues that the 4x4 can als... Read More about A material turn in International Relations: the 4x4, intervention and resistance.

Top-down and bottom-up narratives of peace and conflict (2016)
Journal Article
Mac Ginty, R., & Firchow, P. (2016). Top-down and bottom-up narratives of peace and conflict. Politics, 36(3), 308-323.

Based on findings from the Everyday Peace Indicators project, the article considers how top-down and bottom-up narratives and understandings of conflict often differ. The article posits that top-down narratives are often the result of a peculiar fram... Read More about Top-down and bottom-up narratives of peace and conflict.