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Professor Buddhika Mendis' Outputs (2)

Crystal structure and anti-site boundary defect characterisation of Cu2ZnSnSe4 (2017)
Journal Article
Mendis, B., McKenna, K., Gurieva, G., Rumsey, M., & Schorr, S. (2018). Crystal structure and anti-site boundary defect characterisation of Cu2ZnSnSe4. Journal of Materials Chemistry A: materials for energy and sustainability, 6(1), 189-197.

The crystal structure identification of the photovoltaic material Cu2ZnSnSe4 (CZTSe) is challenging due to the distinguishing feature between the two polymorphs, kesterite and stannite, being the arrangement of Cu and Zn ions. Here an energy dispersi... Read More about Crystal structure and anti-site boundary defect characterisation of Cu2ZnSnSe4.

Nanometre-scale optical property fluctuations in Cu2ZnSnS4 revealed by low temperature cathodoluminescence (2017)
Journal Article
Mendis, B., Taylor, A., Guennou, M., Berg, D., Arasimowicz, M., Ahmed, S., …Dale, P. (2018). Nanometre-scale optical property fluctuations in Cu2ZnSnS4 revealed by low temperature cathodoluminescence. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 174, 65-76.

Band tailing is a major contributing factor to the large open circuit voltage (Voc) deficit that is currently limiting Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) photovoltaic devices. It occurs in highly doped, highly compensated semiconductors and gives rise to a non-uniform... Read More about Nanometre-scale optical property fluctuations in Cu2ZnSnS4 revealed by low temperature cathodoluminescence.