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Professor Dylan Sutherland's Outputs (59)

Exploring ‘Onward-Journey’ ODI Strategies in China’s Private Sector Businesses (2011)
Journal Article
Sutherland, D., & Ning, L. (2011). Exploring ‘Onward-Journey’ ODI Strategies in China’s Private Sector Businesses. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 9(1), 43-65.

Are the internationalization strategies of China's private businesses different from those of state-owned businesses? To date, little systematic empirical research addresses this question, despite the now well-established arguments that market and in... Read More about Exploring ‘Onward-Journey’ ODI Strategies in China’s Private Sector Businesses.

Reform, Openness and Public Health: On the Economic and Social Determinants of HIV/AIDS in China (2011)
Journal Article
Sutherland, D. (2011). Reform, Openness and Public Health: On the Economic and Social Determinants of HIV/AIDS in China. Journal of Contemporary China, 20(68), 117-133.

China's HIV/AIDS epidemic today is seen by policy-makers primarily as a biomedical problem. Yet according to many researchers this conceptualization of what causes HIV/AIDS epidemics is restricted, focussing on individual behaviour to the exclusion o... Read More about Reform, Openness and Public Health: On the Economic and Social Determinants of HIV/AIDS in China.

Corporate Social Responsibility in China’s Largest TNCs. (2010)
Book Chapter
Sutherland, D., & Whelan, G. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility in China’s Largest TNCs. In Y. Shujie, B. Wu, S. Morgan, & D. Sutherland (Eds.), Sustainable Reform and Development in Post-Olympic China (144-171). Routledge

China's Outward FDI and Resource-Seeking Strategy: A Case Study on Chinalco and Rio Tinto (2010)
Journal Article
Yao., S., Sutherland, D., & Chen, J. (2010). China's Outward FDI and Resource-Seeking Strategy: A Case Study on Chinalco and Rio Tinto. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 17(3), 313-325

The scale and frequency of foreign direct investment (FDI) in foreign mining companies by China's large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is still not well explained by existing investment or international business theories. This paper advances and veri... Read More about China's Outward FDI and Resource-Seeking Strategy: A Case Study on Chinalco and Rio Tinto.

The impact of business group affiliation on performance: evidence from China's ‘national champions’ (2010)
Journal Article
Guest, P., & Sutherland, D. (2010). The impact of business group affiliation on performance: evidence from China's ‘national champions’. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 34(4), 617-631.

An important aspect of China's economic reforms has been an ambitious policy to develop 100 or so large, internationally competitive business groups. Very little is known about these national champion groups or the benefits to subsidiary firms of bel... Read More about The impact of business group affiliation on performance: evidence from China's ‘national champions’.

Do China's 'National Team' Business Groups Undertake Strategic-Asset-Seeking OFDI? (2009)
Journal Article
Sutherland, D. (2009). Do China's 'National Team' Business Groups Undertake Strategic-Asset-Seeking OFDI?. Chinese Management Studies, 3(1), 11-24.

Purpose – This paper aims to explore the contribution of China's largest business groups to China's outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), looking particularly at the question of whether they contribute to strategic-asset-seeking OFDI. Design/meth... Read More about Do China's 'National Team' Business Groups Undertake Strategic-Asset-Seeking OFDI?.

OEM-supplier relations in the global auto and components industry: is there a business revolution? (2005)
Journal Article
Sutherland, D. (2005). OEM-supplier relations in the global auto and components industry: is there a business revolution?. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 5(2), 234-251.

This article describes some of the recent and profound changes witnessed in OEM-supplier relations in the auto industry. It considers different perspectives on the reasons for such change. A key question in analysis of the evolving supplier-OEM nexus... Read More about OEM-supplier relations in the global auto and components industry: is there a business revolution?.

China’s science parks: production bases or a tool for institutional reform? (2005)
Journal Article
Sutherland, D. (2005). China’s science parks: production bases or a tool for institutional reform?. Asia Pacific Business Review, 11(1), 83-104.

Over a decade ago China launched a large-scale programme to develop science parks with on site business incubators. A major goal of this project was to redesign the economic architecture by creating institutions that would greatly improve the nation'... Read More about China’s science parks: production bases or a tool for institutional reform?.

The challenge of the global businesss revolution (2002)
Journal Article
Nolan, P., Sutherland, D., & Zhang, J. (2002). The challenge of the global businesss revolution. Contributions to Political Economy, 21(1), 91-110.

This paper looks closely at a key hypothesis of Stephen Hymer, namely that a small number of giant corporations would soon dominate each sector of the global economy. The article shows that, although the nature of the large corporation has changed pr... Read More about The challenge of the global businesss revolution.

The Role of Caribbean Tax Havens and Offshore Financial Centres in Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sutherland, D., El-Gohari, A., Buckley, P., & Voss, H. (2010, November). The Role of Caribbean Tax Havens and Offshore Financial Centres in Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment. Paper presented at 2nd Conference on Emerging Market Multinationals, Outward Investment from Emerging Economies., Copenhagen Business School

Little empirical attention has been paid to the rapid expansion and the apparent decline of foreign direct investment between China and the Caribbean tax havens and offshore financial centres. Building on institutional theories, we argue that investm... Read More about The Role of Caribbean Tax Havens and Offshore Financial Centres in Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment.