Complete cohomology theories and the homology of their omega spectra
Journal Article
Hunton, J. (2002). Complete cohomology theories and the homology of their omega spectra
Professor John Hunton's Outputs (4)
Cohomology of canonical projection tilings (2002)
Journal Article
Forrest, A., Hunton, J., & Kellendonk, J. (2002). Cohomology of canonical projection tilings. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 226, 289-322
Topological Invariants for Projection Method Patterns (2002)
Journal Article
Forrest, A., Hunton, J., & Kellendonk, J. (2002). Topological Invariants for Projection Method Patterns. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 159(758), i-x, 1-120
Chromatic characteristic classes in ordinary group cohomology (2002)
Journal Article
Green, D., Hunton, J., & Schuster, B. (2003). Chromatic characteristic classes in ordinary group cohomology. Topology (Oxford), 42(1), 243-263. study a family of subrings, indexed by the natural numbers, of the mod p cohomology of a finite group G. These subrings are based on a family of vn-periodic complex oriented cohomology theories and are constructed as rings of generalised character... Read More about Chromatic characteristic classes in ordinary group cohomology.