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Professor Claire Warwick's Outputs (7)

A tale of two cities: implications of the similarities and differences in collaborative approaches within the digital libraries and digital humanities communities (2011)
Journal Article
Siemens, L., Cunningham, R., Duff, W., & Warwick, C. (2011). A tale of two cities: implications of the similarities and differences in collaborative approaches within the digital libraries and digital humanities communities. Literary and linguistic computing, 26(3), 335-348.

In addition to drawing upon content experts, librarians, archivists, developers, programmers, managers, and others, many emerging digital projects also pull in disciplinary expertise from areas that do not typically work in team environments. To be e... Read More about A tale of two cities: implications of the similarities and differences in collaborative approaches within the digital libraries and digital humanities communities.

Evaluating the Information Behaviour methods: Formative evaluations of two methods for assessing the functionality and usability of electronic information resources. (2011)
Journal Article
Makri, S., Blandford, A., Cox, A., Attfield, S., & Warwick, C. (2011). Evaluating the Information Behaviour methods: Formative evaluations of two methods for assessing the functionality and usability of electronic information resources. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69(7-8), 455-482.

The importance of user-centred evaluation is stressed by HCI academics and practitioners alike. However, there have been few recent evaluation studies of User Evaluation Methods (UEMs), especially those with the aim of improving methods rather than a... Read More about Evaluating the Information Behaviour methods: Formative evaluations of two methods for assessing the functionality and usability of electronic information resources..

UCLDH: Big Tent Digital Humanities in Practice. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Warwick, C., Mahony, S., Nyhan, J., Ross, C., Terras, M., Tiedau, U., & Welsh, A. (2011, June). UCLDH: Big Tent Digital Humanities in Practice. Presented at Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford, CA, US

Enabled backchannel: conference Twitter use by digital humanists (2011)
Journal Article
Ross, C., Terras, M., Warwick, C., & Welsh, A. (2011). Enabled backchannel: conference Twitter use by digital humanists. Journal of Documentation, 67(2), 214-237.

Purpose – To date, few studies have been undertaken to make explicit how microblogging technologies are used by and can benefit scholars. This paper aims to investigate the use of Twitter by an academic community in various conference settings, and t... Read More about Enabled backchannel: conference Twitter use by digital humanists.