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Professor Claire Warwick's Outputs (5)

Technophobes, or the Nintendo generation? A study of the use of ICT in teaching and learning in Modern Languages. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Warwick, C. (2000, July). Technophobes, or the Nintendo generation? A study of the use of ICT in teaching and learning in Modern Languages. Presented at ALLC/ACH 2000 Conference, University of Glasgow 21 - 25 July, 2000., University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

This paper discuses the results of the application of a methodology typical to information science to humanities computing. User studies are widely performed in the library and information science community. However, although some research has been c... Read More about Technophobes, or the Nintendo generation? A study of the use of ICT in teaching and learning in Modern Languages..

'Hyped' text markup language. XML and the future of web markup. (2000)
Journal Article
Warwick, C., & Pritchard, E. (2000). 'Hyped' text markup language. XML and the future of web markup. Aslib Proceedings, 52(5), 174-184.

There is a widespread perception that, in terms of web-technology XML is going to be the 'next big thing'. Given the amount of comment that it has generated, it seems to be on its way to achieving that status. But how much of the praise should be tak... Read More about 'Hyped' text markup language. XML and the future of web markup..

The lowest canonical denominator: Electronic literary texts, and the role of the information professional. (2000)
Journal Article
Warwick, C. (2000). The lowest canonical denominator: Electronic literary texts, and the role of the information professional. Information Research, 5(2),

This paper argues that the English literary canon has reasserted itself in electronic form. It traces the history of print canons and contends that analogous forces are shaping an electronic canon. This issue should concern not only literary critics,... Read More about The lowest canonical denominator: Electronic literary texts, and the role of the information professional..