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Professor Claire Warwick's Outputs (133)

Humanists' Use of Digital Technology for Teaching and Research. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor, K., Dobson, T., Piquette, K., Warwick, C., & Team, I. (2010, December). Humanists' Use of Digital Technology for Teaching and Research. Presented at Society for Digital Humanities/Société pour l'étude des médias interactifs (SDH/SEMI) 2010

Integrating New Technologies into Established Systems: a case study from Roman Silchester. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Terras, M., Warwick, C., & Fisher, C. (2010, December). Integrating New Technologies into Established Systems: a case study from Roman Silchester. Presented at 37th Annual Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA

Introducing new ways of working into well established systems can be problematic, especially if the change involves the introduction of unfamiliar technology. This paper focuses on the adoption of digital field recording systems at the Roman site of... Read More about Integrating New Technologies into Established Systems: a case study from Roman Silchester..

VidLog Understading and Visualizing Website Usage through Logfile Analysis. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Menezes, C., Nonnecke, B., Brown, S., Ruecker, S., & Warwick, C. (2010, December). VidLog Understading and Visualizing Website Usage through Logfile Analysis. Presented at Society for Digital Humanities/Société pour l'étude des médias interactifs (SDH/SEMI) 2010

Introduction. (2010)
Journal Article
Warwick, C., & Singer, K. (2010). Introduction. Literary and linguistic computing, 25(4), 363-364.

It is always difficult to represent the range and quality of a conference such as Digital Humanities 2009 in a single volume. Indeed, it was a great pleasure for us as programme chair and local organiser to see so many outstanding submissions become... Read More about Introduction..

Information for inspiration: Understanding architects' information seeking and use behaviors to inform design. (2010)
Journal Article
Makri, S., & Warwick, C. (2010). Information for inspiration: Understanding architects' information seeking and use behaviors to inform design. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(9), 1745-1770.

Architectural design projects are heavily reliant on electronic information seeking. However, there have been few studies on how architects look for and use information on the Web. We examined the electronic information behavior of 9 postgraduate arc... Read More about Information for inspiration: Understanding architects' information seeking and use behaviors to inform design..

Researchers Use of Information resources in the Humanities. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Warwick, C., Terras, M., Bulger, M., & De La Flor, G. (2010, July). Researchers Use of Information resources in the Humanities. Presented at Expert Seminar: 'Digital Collections: Use, Value and Impact', London

Pointless Babble or Enabled Backchannel: Conference Use of Twitter by Digital Humanists. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ross, C., Terras, M., Warwick, C., & Welsh, A. (2010, July). Pointless Babble or Enabled Backchannel: Conference Use of Twitter by Digital Humanists. Presented at Digital Humanities 2010, London

Microblogging, a variant of a blogging which allows users to quickly post short updates to websites such as, has recently emerged as a dominant form of information interchange and interaction for academic communities. To date, few studies... Read More about Pointless Babble or Enabled Backchannel: Conference Use of Twitter by Digital Humanists..

Codex Ultor : Vers des fondations conceptuelles et théoriques pour de nouvelles recherches sur les livres et les environnements. (2009)
Journal Article
Siemens, R., Warwick, C., Cunningham, R., Dobson, T., Galey, A., Ruecker, S., …(inke), L. D. P. I. N. K. E. (2009). Codex Ultor : Vers des fondations conceptuelles et théoriques pour de nouvelles recherches sur les livres et les environnements. Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture, 1(1),

Dans cet article, nous présentons les fondations conceptuelles et théoriques des travaux entrepris par le groupe de recherche Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE : Mise en oeuvre de nouveaux environnements documentaires), une importante équ... Read More about Codex Ultor : Vers des fondations conceptuelles et théoriques pour de nouvelles recherches sur les livres et les environnements..

Codex Ultor: Toward a Conceptual and Theoretical Foundation for New Research on Books and Knowledge Environments. (2009)
Journal Article
Siemens, R., Warwick, C., Cunningham, R., Dobson, T., Galey, A., Ruecker, S., …Team, I. (2009). Codex Ultor: Toward a Conceptual and Theoretical Foundation for New Research on Books and Knowledge Environments. Digital Studies / Le champ numérique, 1(2),

In this paper, we present the conceptual and theoretical foundations for work undertaken by the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) research group, a large international, interdisciplinary research team studying reading and texts, both dig... Read More about Codex Ultor: Toward a Conceptual and Theoretical Foundation for New Research on Books and Knowledge Environments..

“It challenges members to think of their work through another kind of specialist's eyes”: Exploration of the benefits and challenges of diversity in digital project teams. (2009)
Journal Article
Siemens, L., Cunningham, R., Duff, W., & Warwick, C. (2009). “It challenges members to think of their work through another kind of specialist's eyes”: Exploration of the benefits and challenges of diversity in digital project teams. Proceedings of the ... ASIST Annual Meeting, 46(1), 1-14.

Cognitive economy and satisficing in information seeking: A longitudinal study of undergraduate information behavior (2009)
Journal Article
Warwick, C., Rimmer, J., Blandford, A., Gow, J., & Buchanan, G. (2009). Cognitive economy and satisficing in information seeking: A longitudinal study of undergraduate information behavior. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(12), 2402-2415.

This article reports on a longitudinal study of information seeking by undergraduate information management students. It describes how they found and used information, and explores their motivation and decision making. We employed a use-in-context ap... Read More about Cognitive economy and satisficing in information seeking: A longitudinal study of undergraduate information behavior.

"It challenges members to think of their work through another kind of specialist's eyes": Exploration of the Benefits and Challenges of Diversity in Digital Project Teams (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Siemens, L., Cunningham, R., Duff, W., & Warwick, C. (2009, November). "It challenges members to think of their work through another kind of specialist's eyes": Exploration of the Benefits and Challenges of Diversity in Digital Project Teams. Presented at 2009 ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Thriving on Diversity - Information Opportunities in a Pluralistic World, November 6-11, 2009, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Digital project teams are by definition comprised of people with various skills, disciplines and content knowledge. Collaboration within these teams is undertaken by librarians, academics, undergraduate and graduate students, research assistants, com... Read More about "It challenges members to think of their work through another kind of specialist's eyes": Exploration of the Benefits and Challenges of Diversity in Digital Project Teams.

Digital Resources in the Humanities and their users. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Warwick, C. (2009, June). Digital Resources in the Humanities and their users. Presented at Diversité des pratiques documentaires numériques dans les champs scientifiques, Villeurbanne, Rhône, France