A vortex sheet based analytical model of the curled wake behind yawed wind turbines
Journal Article
Bastankhah, M., Shapiro, C. R., Shamsoddin, S., Gayme, D. F., & Meneveau, C. (2022). A vortex sheet based analytical model of the curled wake behind yawed wind turbines. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 933, Article A2. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2021.1010
Motivated by the need for compact descriptions of the evolution of non-classical wakes behind yawed wind turbines, we develop an analytical model to predict the shape of curled wakes. Interest in such modelling arises due to the potential of wake ste... Read More about A vortex sheet based analytical model of the curled wake behind yawed wind turbines.