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Professor Stefanie Kappler's Outputs (51)

From Power-Blind Binaries to the Intersectionality of Peace: Connecting Feminism and Critical Peace and Conflict Studies (2019)
Journal Article
Kappler, S., & Lemay-Hébert, N. (2019). From Power-Blind Binaries to the Intersectionality of Peace: Connecting Feminism and Critical Peace and Conflict Studies. Peacebuilding, 7(2), 160-177.

Critical Peace and Conflict Studies scholars have increasingly sought to overcome binary approaches to engage more fully the ways in which peacebuilding missions are designed, implemented and contested. In doing so, scholars have tried to understand... Read More about From Power-Blind Binaries to the Intersectionality of Peace: Connecting Feminism and Critical Peace and Conflict Studies.

The Spatial Dimensions of State-Building (2018)
Book Chapter
Björkdahl, A., & Kappler, S. (2019). The Spatial Dimensions of State-Building. In N. Lemay-Hebert (Ed.), Handbook of intervention and statebuilding (210-219). Edward Elgar Publishing

The Legitimisation of Post-Conflict Intervention: Narrative Frames of Backwardness and Progress (2018)
Journal Article
Kappler, S. (2018). The Legitimisation of Post-Conflict Intervention: Narrative Frames of Backwardness and Progress. Political Geography, 66, 130-138.

Much of the peace and conflict literature sustains the claim that, whilst intervention during war may require military and diplomatic tools, post-conflict peacebuilding intervention enables more locally-led and emancipatory approaches. This article f... Read More about The Legitimisation of Post-Conflict Intervention: Narrative Frames of Backwardness and Progress.

Positive Peace (2017)
Book Chapter
Kappler, S. (2017). Positive Peace. In F. M. Moghaddam (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of political behavior (640-641). SAGE Publications

Sarajevo’s Ambivalent Memoryscape: Spatial stories of peace and conflict (2016)
Journal Article
Kappler, S. (2017). Sarajevo’s Ambivalent Memoryscape: Spatial stories of peace and conflict. Memory Studies, 10(2), 130-143.

This article focuses on Sarajevo’s memoryscape to investigate the ambiguous nature of artefacts of commemoration. Suggesting that memorials impact the ways in which people relate to the past and future, the article suggests that they represent import... Read More about Sarajevo’s Ambivalent Memoryscape: Spatial stories of peace and conflict.

What Attachment to Peace? Exploring the Normative and Material Dimensions of Local Ownership in Peacebuilding (2016)
Journal Article
Lemay-Hébert, N., & Kappler, S. (2016). What Attachment to Peace? Exploring the Normative and Material Dimensions of Local Ownership in Peacebuilding. Review of International Studies, 42(5), 895-914.

The peacebuilding and academic communities are divided over the issue of local ownership between problem-solvers who believe that local ownership can ‘save liberal peacebuilding’ and critical voices claiming that local ownership is purely a rhetorica... Read More about What Attachment to Peace? Exploring the Normative and Material Dimensions of Local Ownership in Peacebuilding.

Information and communication technologies in peacebuilding: Implications, opportunities and challenges (2015)
Journal Article
Tellidis, I., & Kappler, S. (2016). Information and communication technologies in peacebuilding: Implications, opportunities and challenges. Cooperation and Conflict, 51(1), 75-93.

Despite the volume of research exploring the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for destructive purposes (terrorism, crime, war propaganda) on the one hand, and development (ICT4D) on the other hand, very little has been said ab... Read More about Information and communication technologies in peacebuilding: Implications, opportunities and challenges.

The ‘Field’ in the Age of Intervention: Power, Legitimacy, and Authority Versus the ‘Local’ (2015)
Journal Article
Richmond, O., Kappler, S., & Björkdahl, A. (2015). The ‘Field’ in the Age of Intervention: Power, Legitimacy, and Authority Versus the ‘Local’. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 44(1), 23-44.

This article highlights the semantic and socio-political meaning of the ‘field’ as it is used in both academic research and policy practices: as a geographic and material space related to forms of intervention in International Relations (IR), and not... Read More about The ‘Field’ in the Age of Intervention: Power, Legitimacy, and Authority Versus the ‘Local’.

The dynamic local: delocalisation and (re-)localisation in the search for peacebuilding identity (2015)
Journal Article
Kappler, S. (2015). The dynamic local: delocalisation and (re-)localisation in the search for peacebuilding identity. Third World Quarterly, 36(5), 875-889.

This article challenges the notion of the ‘local’ as a static identity or set position and argues for a processual understanding of localisation, in which constant processes of delocalisation and (re-)localisation serve as tools by which peacebuildin... Read More about The dynamic local: delocalisation and (re-)localisation in the search for peacebuilding identity.