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Dr Britta Turner's Outputs (6)

In Search of Complementarity: Insights from an Exercise in Quantifying Qualitative Energy Futures (2022)
Journal Article
Copeland, C., Turner, B., Powells, G., & Wilson, K. (2022). In Search of Complementarity: Insights from an Exercise in Quantifying Qualitative Energy Futures. Energies, 15(15), Article 5340.

In this study, we considered a bridging strategy between qualitative and quantitative research with the aim of achieving complementarity. A pilot case study using the Sheffield Elicitation Framework “SHELF” to estimate appropriate inputs for a quanti... Read More about In Search of Complementarity: Insights from an Exercise in Quantifying Qualitative Energy Futures.

Diffusion on the ground: Rethinking the logic of scale and access in off-grid solar in Sri Lanka (2018)
Journal Article
Turner, B. (2018). Diffusion on the ground: Rethinking the logic of scale and access in off-grid solar in Sri Lanka. Energy Research and Social Science, 50, 1-6.

Off-grid solar photovoltaics have come to play a leading role in the current challenge of achieving the 7th Sustainable Development Goal of access to modern energy for all by 2030. In this context, the goal of achieving scale and accelerating growth... Read More about Diffusion on the ground: Rethinking the logic of scale and access in off-grid solar in Sri Lanka.

Solar energy for all? Understanding the successes and shortfalls through a critical comparative assessment of Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Mozambique, Sri Lanka and South Africa (2018)
Journal Article
Kumar, A., Ferdous, R., Luque-Ayala, A., McEwan, C., Power, M., Turner, B., & Bulkeley, H. (2019). Solar energy for all? Understanding the successes and shortfalls through a critical comparative assessment of Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Mozambique, Sri Lanka and South Africa. Energy Research and Social Science, 48, 166-176.

Lanterns, homes systems, hot water systems and micro-grids based on small-scale solar have become prominent ways to address the energy access challenge. As momentum grows for this form of energy transition this paper draws together research on small-... Read More about Solar energy for all? Understanding the successes and shortfalls through a critical comparative assessment of Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Mozambique, Sri Lanka and South Africa.

Is there a Prosumer Pathway? Exploring household solar energy development in Germany, Norway, and the United Kingdom (2018)
Journal Article
Inderberg, T. H. J., Tews, K., & Turner, B. (2018). Is there a Prosumer Pathway? Exploring household solar energy development in Germany, Norway, and the United Kingdom. Energy Research and Social Science, 42, 258-269.

Prosuming – where private households use photovoltaics to produce electricity at home – has proliferated across Western countries, but growth rates have varied significantly. Focusing on Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom, this article explores t... Read More about Is there a Prosumer Pathway? Exploring household solar energy development in Germany, Norway, and the United Kingdom.

Institutional pathways to municipal energy companies in the UK: Realising co-benefits to mitigate climate change in cities (2018)
Journal Article
Roelich, K., Bale, C. S., Turner, B., & Neall, R. (2018). Institutional pathways to municipal energy companies in the UK: Realising co-benefits to mitigate climate change in cities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 182, 727-736.

Municipalities in the UK are increasingly engaging in local management of one or more parts of the energy system. The municipal energy companies set up to manage this engagement have the potential to contribute to a low-carbon transition through acce... Read More about Institutional pathways to municipal energy companies in the UK: Realising co-benefits to mitigate climate change in cities.

Low carbon energy and international development: from research impact to policymaking (2017)
Journal Article
Brown, E., Campbell, B., Cloke, J., To, L. S., Turner, B., & Wray, A. (2018). Low carbon energy and international development: from research impact to policymaking. Contemporary Social Science, 13(1), 112-127.

Few areas of international development research have seen as much transformation over recent years as those relating to energy access and low carbon transitions. New policy initiatives, technological innovations and business models have radically tra... Read More about Low carbon energy and international development: from research impact to policymaking.