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Dr Lazar Staykov's Outputs (1)

WIVERN: a laboratory experiment for testing novel laser-based wavefront sensing techniques (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bharmal, N. A., Bramall, D., Calcines Rosario, A. Z., Morris, T. J., Schmoll, J., & Staykov, L. (2022, December). WIVERN: a laboratory experiment for testing novel laser-based wavefront sensing techniques. Presented at Adaptive Optics Systems VIII

WIVERN is a testbed for laboratory experiments in laser-based wavefront sensing. It emulates laser uplink from a 4m telescope with 1.6 arcsec seeing and laser back-scattering from up to 20 km. Currently there are three current wavefront sensing capab... Read More about WIVERN: a laboratory experiment for testing novel laser-based wavefront sensing techniques.