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Professor Nadin Beckmann's Outputs (6)

Inter-individual differences in intra-individual variability in personality within and across contexts (2019)
Journal Article
Beckmann, N., Birney, D., Beckmann, J., Wood, R., Sojo, V., & Bowman, D. (2020). Inter-individual differences in intra-individual variability in personality within and across contexts. Journal of Research in Personality, 85, Article 103909.

This study focuses on intra-individual variability in personality at work, and how it relates to job performance. 288 professionals completed contextualised adjective-based personality assessments in work and non-work contexts, and a non-contextualis... Read More about Inter-individual differences in intra-individual variability in personality within and across contexts.

One situation doesn’t fit all: Variability and stability of state willingness to communicate in a Chinese College English classroom (2019)
Journal Article
Zhang, J., Beckmann, N., & Beckmann, J. (2022). One situation doesn’t fit all: Variability and stability of state willingness to communicate in a Chinese College English classroom. Language Teaching Research, 26(3), 504-529.

Willingness to communicate (WTC) used to be studied as a relatively stable, trait-like predisposition; however, recently attention has shifted to the more dynamic, state-like components of WTC. This research investigates variability and stability in... Read More about One situation doesn’t fit all: Variability and stability of state willingness to communicate in a Chinese College English classroom.

EasyPeasy: Learning through play. Evaluation Report (2019)
Robinson-Smith, L., Menzies, V., Cramman, H., Wang, Y. (., Fairhurst, C., Hallett, S., …Siddiqui, N. (2019). EasyPeasy: Learning through play. Evaluation Report. [No known commissioning body]