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Professor Nadin Beckmann's Outputs (67)

Organisational Behaviour: Science or Scientism? (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Beckmann, N., Wood, R., & Minbashian, A. (2006, December). Organisational Behaviour: Science or Scientism?. Presented at Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), Rockhampton, Australia

Personality architecture and the FFM in organisational psychology (2006)
Journal Article
Wood, R., & Beckmann, N. (2006). Personality architecture and the FFM in organisational psychology. Applied Psychology, 55(3), 454-469.

Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori (2006) outline an approach to the study of self-regulation that is consistent with but extends research on self-regulation and motivation within organisational psychology. At the same time, their model represents a n... Read More about Personality architecture and the FFM in organisational psychology.

Effects of feedback on performance and response latencies in untimed reasoning tests (2005)
Journal Article
Beckmann, J., & Beckmann, N. (2005). Effects of feedback on performance and response latencies in untimed reasoning tests. Psychologische Beiträge (Lengerich), 47(2), 262-278

In an experimental study, a set of 12 number series problems with open-answer format had to be solved by a sample of 120 eighth and ninth graders randomly assigned to one of two test conditions (standard condition: no feedback; feedback condition: co... Read More about Effects of feedback on performance and response latencies in untimed reasoning tests.

Differential effects of performance feedback (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Beckmann, N. (., Beckmann, J., Elliott, J., & Guthke, J. (2004, December). Differential effects of performance feedback. Presented at 44th National Conference of the German Association of Psychology, Göttingen, Germany

Effects of Feedback – What a difference feedback makes (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Beckmann, N. (., Beckmann, J., Elliott, J., & Guthke, J. (2003, December). Effects of Feedback – What a difference feedback makes. Presented at 9th International Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP), Seattle, USA

Individual differences in the ability to benefit from feedback (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Beckmann, N. (., Beckmann, J., Elliott, J., & Guthke, J. (2003, December). Individual differences in the ability to benefit from feedback. Presented at 11th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID), Graz, Austria