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Professor Vikki Boliver's Outputs (3)

Private providers and market exit in UK higher education (2020)
Journal Article
Hunt, S. A., & Boliver, V. (2021). Private providers and market exit in UK higher education. Higher Education, 81, 385-401.

The sudden closure of higher education providers is virtually unknown among publicly funded higher education institutions in the UK, but “market exit” is commonplace among private higher education providers. The UK government is actively championing... Read More about Private providers and market exit in UK higher education.

The use of evidence from research on contextualised admissions to widen access to Scottish universities (2020)
Book Chapter
Boliver, V., & Gorard, S. (2020). The use of evidence from research on contextualised admissions to widen access to Scottish universities. In S. Gorard (Ed.), Getting evidence into education : evaluating the routes to policy and practice (166-177). Routledge.

This chapter looks at our role in providing evidence on the practicalities and implications of using contextualised admissions to universities, primarily in Scotland. The use of contexualised admissions has become a national policy for all universiti... Read More about The use of evidence from research on contextualised admissions to widen access to Scottish universities.

The use of access thresholds to widen participation at Scottish universities (2020)
Journal Article
Boliver, V., Gorard, S., Powell, M., & Moreira, T. (2020). The use of access thresholds to widen participation at Scottish universities. Scottish Affairs, 29(1), 82-97.

The Scottish Government has set ambitious targets for widening access to full-time undergraduate degree programmes. Meeting these targets will be a real challenge, not least because young people from socioeconomically disadvantaged contexts continue... Read More about The use of access thresholds to widen participation at Scottish universities.