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Professor Markian Prokopovych's Outputs (17)

The City and the Museum: Cracow's Collections and Their Publics in the Long Nineteenth Century (2018)
Journal Article
Prokopovych, M. (2018). The City and the Museum: Cracow's Collections and Their Publics in the Long Nineteenth Century. Austrian History Yearbook, 49, 166-186.

It is generally acknowledged that museums were an essential part of the national project in nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century Europe—and some retain this function even today. Classic works in nationalism studies, such as Eric Hobsbawm's, have h... Read More about The City and the Museum: Cracow's Collections and Their Publics in the Long Nineteenth Century.

Celebrating Hungary? Johann Strauss's Der Zigeunerbaron and the Press in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna and Budapest (2017)
Journal Article
Prokopovych, M. (2017). Celebrating Hungary? Johann Strauss's Der Zigeunerbaron and the Press in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna and Budapest. Austrian Studies, 25, 118-135.

Preceded by decades of ‘Magyar mania’, the 1885 world premiere of Johann Strauss's ‘Hungarian’ operetta Der Zigeunerbaron in Vienna was an overwhelming success. However, its reception showed a discrepancy in how the monarchy's two nominally ruling na... Read More about Celebrating Hungary? Johann Strauss's Der Zigeunerbaron and the Press in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna and Budapest.

Transience, Overseas Migration and the Modern European City. Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Cities and Overseas Migration in the Long Nineteenth Century’ (2016)
Journal Article
Prokopovych, M., & Feys, T. (2016). Transience, Overseas Migration and the Modern European City. Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Cities and Overseas Migration in the Long Nineteenth Century’. Journal of migration history, 2(2), 209-222.

Migration is one of key factors to the existence of which we owe the emergence of the modern urban condition that continues to shape the life of large populations today. Precisely the same reasons that generated great urban growth of European cities... Read More about Transience, Overseas Migration and the Modern European City. Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Cities and Overseas Migration in the Long Nineteenth Century’.

Urban History of Overseas Migration in Habsburg Central Europe: Vienna and Budapest in the Late Nineteenth Century (2016)
Journal Article
Prokopovych, M. (2016). Urban History of Overseas Migration in Habsburg Central Europe: Vienna and Budapest in the Late Nineteenth Century. Journal of migration history, 2(2), 330-351.

The complex routes taken by overseas migrants through nineteenth-century Central Europe included Vienna and Budapest as nodal points. In contrast to the ports of departure and arrival, and the role of labour migrants in urbanisation, the place of ove... Read More about Urban History of Overseas Migration in Habsburg Central Europe: Vienna and Budapest in the Late Nineteenth Century.