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Professor Markian Prokopovych's Outputs (18)

Eastern, East-Central and South-Eastern European Cities, 1850-2000 (2022)
Book Chapter
Prokopovych, M. Eastern, East-Central and South-Eastern European Cities, 1850-2000. In D. Brantz, & G. Sonkoly (Eds.), Cambridge Urban History of Europe. Cambridge University Press

This chapter delineates eastern, east-central and south-eastern Europe, highlights its problematic and shifting geographies for the study of cities, and argues for the need to see the region ‘between the Baltic and the Adriatic’ as one whole for the... Read More about Eastern, East-Central and South-Eastern European Cities, 1850-2000.

Semperian Trajectories: Architectural Development of Design Museums (2020)
Book Chapter
Prokopovych, M. (2020). Semperian Trajectories: Architectural Development of Design Museums. In Liberalism, Nationalism and Design Reform in the Habsburg Empire (91-123). Routledge

This chapter analyzes a critical reassessment of that Semperian tradition through analysis of museum architecture, paying particular attention to the important studies by Rebecca Houze. Design museums also served as architectural models for each othe... Read More about Semperian Trajectories: Architectural Development of Design Museums.

Educating the Public: Schools of Design and Applied Arts as Educational and Reform Institutions (2020)
Book Chapter
Prokopovych, M. (2020). Educating the Public: Schools of Design and Applied Arts as Educational and Reform Institutions. In M. Rampley, M. Prokopovych, & N. Veszprémi (Eds.), Liberalism, Nationalism and Design Reform in the Habsburg Empire (124-150). Routledge

The role of the museums as depositories of knowledge for professional education in the provinces was far from negligible. Many of the institutions involved in founding museums also actively promoted design education themselves. Alongside museums, sch... Read More about Educating the Public: Schools of Design and Applied Arts as Educational and Reform Institutions.

Language Diversity in the Late Habsburg Empire: Foreword from the Editors (2019)
Book Chapter
Prokopovych, M., Bethke, C., & Scheer, T. (2019). Language Diversity in the Late Habsburg Empire: Foreword from the Editors. In M. Prokopovych, C. Bethke, & T. Scheer (Eds.), Language Diversity in the Late Habsburg Empire (1-11). Brill Academic Publishers

The Habsburg Empire often features in scholarship as a historical example of how language diversity and linguistic competence were essential to the functioning of the imperial state. Focusing critically on the urban-rural divide, on the importance of... Read More about Language Diversity in the Late Habsburg Empire: Foreword from the Editors.

From Gypsy Music to Wagner without a Transition? The Musical Taste of the Budapest Urban Public in the Late Nineteenth Century (2010)
Book Chapter
Prokopovych, M. (2010). From Gypsy Music to Wagner without a Transition? The Musical Taste of the Budapest Urban Public in the Late Nineteenth Century. In S. O. Müller, P. Ther, J. Toelle, & G. zur Nieden (Eds.), Oper im Wandel der Gesellschaft: Kulturtransfers und Netzwerke des Musiktheaters im modernen Europa (69-88). (Musikkulturen europäischer Metropolen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert). Böhlau Verlag Wien

Spectacles of 1809: Napoleonic, Russian and Austrian Troops in Lemberg (2010)
Book Chapter
Prokopovych, M. (2010). Spectacles of 1809: Napoleonic, Russian and Austrian Troops in Lemberg. In C. Nubola, & A. Würgler (Eds.), Ballare col nemico? Reazioni all’espansione francese in Europa tra entusiasmo e resistenza (1792-1815) / Mit dem Feind tanzen? Reaktionen auf die französische Expansion in Europa zwischen Begeisterung und Protest (1792-1815) (214-254). Societa edittrice il Mulino and Duncker / Humbot

Staging Empires and Nations: Politics in the Public Space of Habsburg Lemberg (2007)
Book Chapter
Prokopovych, M. (2007). Staging Empires and Nations: Politics in the Public Space of Habsburg Lemberg. In R. Jaworski, & P. Stachel (Eds.), Die Besetzung des öffentlichen Raumes. Politische Plätze, Denkmäler und Straßennamen im europäischen Vergleich (427-453). Frank & Timme GmbH