Land ohne Staat: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Krieg am Beispiel Somalias.(Country without a State: Economy and Society in Wars. The example of Somalia)
Bakonyi, J. (2011). Land ohne Staat: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Krieg am Beispiel Somalias.(Country without a State: Economy and Society in Wars. The example of Somalia). Campus
Professor Jutta Bakonyi's Outputs (2)
A Micro-Sociology of Violence: Deciphering patterns and dynamics of collective violence (2011)
Bakonyi, J., & Bliesemann de Guevara, B. (Eds.). (2011). A Micro-Sociology of Violence: Deciphering patterns and dynamics of collective violence. RoutledgeThis book aims at a deeper understanding of social processes, dynamics and institutions shaping collective violence. It argues that violence is a social practice that adheres to social logics and, in its collective form, appears as recurrent patterns... Read More about A Micro-Sociology of Violence: Deciphering patterns and dynamics of collective violence.