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Professor Jutta Bakonyi's Outputs (23)

Infrastructures and International Relations: A Critical Reflection on Materials and Mobilities (2024)
Journal Article
Bakonyi, J., & Darwich, M. (2024). Infrastructures and International Relations: A Critical Reflection on Materials and Mobilities. International Studies Review, 26(4), Article viae046.

In a world of accelerated movements, this article examines how infrastructures matter in international relations. We first show that the International Relations (IR) discipline has relegated infrastructures to the background of their studies and trea... Read More about Infrastructures and International Relations: A Critical Reflection on Materials and Mobilities.

War's Everyday: Normalizing Violence and Legitimizing Power (2022)
Journal Article
Bakonyi, J. (2022). War's Everyday: Normalizing Violence and Legitimizing Power. Partecipazione e conflitto, 15(1), 121-138.

The article studies the everyday of violent conflicts and wars. It uses Somalia as a case study to explore how ordinary people experience and legitimize actors of violence. Building on biographic interviews, I show how violence became a normalized as... Read More about War's Everyday: Normalizing Violence and Legitimizing Power.

Precarious technoscapes: forced mobility and mobile connections at the urban margins (2021)
Journal Article
Chonka, P., & Bakonyi, J. (2021). Precarious technoscapes: forced mobility and mobile connections at the urban margins. Journal of the British Academy, 9(s11), 67-91.

Displaced people settling at the margins of Somali cities live in conditions of extreme precarity. They are also active users of information and communications technology (ICTs), employing mobile phones to maintain social networks, obtain information... Read More about Precarious technoscapes: forced mobility and mobile connections at the urban margins.

Modular Sovereignty and Infrastructural Power: The Elusive Materiality of International Statebuilding (2021)
Journal Article
Bakonyi, J. (2022). Modular Sovereignty and Infrastructural Power: The Elusive Materiality of International Statebuilding. Security Dialogue, 53(3), 256-278.

This article uses the example of the Mogadishu International Airport zone and takes a spatio-temporal lens to explore how (sovereign) power unfolds in international interventions that aim at building a sovereign state. I show that the Mogadishu Inter... Read More about Modular Sovereignty and Infrastructural Power: The Elusive Materiality of International Statebuilding.

Precarious spaces and violent site effects: experiences from Hargeisa’s urban margins (2021)
Journal Article
Stuvøy, K., Bakonyi, J., & Chonka, P. (2021). Precarious spaces and violent site effects: experiences from Hargeisa’s urban margins. Conflict, Security and Development, 21(2), 153-176.

This paper addresses precarity from a spatial perspective. It draws attention to how power becomes inscribed in urban space and shapes particular spatial arrangements connected with socio-economic vulnerabilities. This is empirically illustrated with... Read More about Precarious spaces and violent site effects: experiences from Hargeisa’s urban margins.

Precarity, Mobility and the City: Introduction to the Special Issue (2021)
Journal Article
Bakonyi, J., Kappler, S., Nag, E.-M., & Opfermann, L. S. (2021). Precarity, Mobility and the City: Introduction to the Special Issue. Global Policy, 12(S2), 5-9.

Drawing on empirically rich and theoretically grounded case studies, the articles in this issue explore ways in which global governmental processes affect mobility and, similarly, how seemingly local movements impact upon global processes.

The Political Economy of Displacement: Rent Seeking, Dispossession and Precarious Mobility in Somali Cities (2020)
Journal Article
Bakonyi, J. (2021). The Political Economy of Displacement: Rent Seeking, Dispossession and Precarious Mobility in Somali Cities. Global Policy, 12(S2), 10-22.

Displacement is urbanizing. Urban violence increasingly contributes to displacement while a growing number of displaced people across the globe seeks refuge in cities. This article builds on original research in four Somali cities to explore the link... Read More about The Political Economy of Displacement: Rent Seeking, Dispossession and Precarious Mobility in Somali Cities.

War and City-Making in Somalia: Property, Power and Disposable Lives (2019)
Journal Article
Bakonyi, J., Chonka, P., & Stuvoy, K. (2019). War and City-Making in Somalia: Property, Power and Disposable Lives. Political Geography, 73, 82-91.

Rapid urbanisation in Somalia, as in many other war-torn countries, is driven by in-migration of displaced people who are often amassed in camps. Although such camps become institutionalised sites of exclusion where ‘bare life’ is generated and dispo... Read More about War and City-Making in Somalia: Property, Power and Disposable Lives.

Seeing like Bureaucracies: Rearranging Knowledge and Ignorance in Somalia (2018)
Journal Article
Bakonyi, J. (2018). Seeing like Bureaucracies: Rearranging Knowledge and Ignorance in Somalia. International Political Sociology, 12(3), 256-273.

Development promotes bureaucratization, and bureaucracies are based on knowledge and produce knowledge. Failures of development are therefore regularly attributed to a lack of knowledge. The article argues that the quest for knowledge is embedded in... Read More about Seeing like Bureaucracies: Rearranging Knowledge and Ignorance in Somalia.

Der Alltag des Krieges. Herrschaftserfahrungen in Somalia / The war everyday : experiencing authority in Somalia (2018)
Journal Article
Bakonyi, J. (2018). Der Alltag des Krieges. Herrschaftserfahrungen in Somalia / The war everyday : experiencing authority in Somalia. Mittelweg 36, 27(2), 32-57

(…) Die Untersuchung nichtstaatlicher Gewaltakteure und deren Versuche, Kontrolle über Territorien und Menschen zu erlangen und dauerhaft zu sichern, erfolgte im Kontext der in den 1990er-Jahren einsetzenden Diskussion über scheiternde oder gefährdet... Read More about Der Alltag des Krieges. Herrschaftserfahrungen in Somalia / The war everyday : experiencing authority in Somalia.

Ideoscapes in the World Society: Framing Violence in Somalia (2015)
Journal Article
Bakonyi, J. (2015). Ideoscapes in the World Society: Framing Violence in Somalia. Civil Wars, 17(2), 242-265.

The article uses the example of the Somali war to analyse how globally travelling ideas and political concepts are adapted to local settings and translated into frames that promote collective action and feature violence. It outlines how two ideas wit... Read More about Ideoscapes in the World Society: Framing Violence in Somalia.

Authority and administration beyond the state: local governance in southern Somalia 1995–2006 (2013)
Journal Article
Bakonyi, J. (2013). Authority and administration beyond the state: local governance in southern Somalia 1995–2006. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 7(2), 272-290.

After 1995, southern and central Somalia splintered into a patchwork of weakly institutionalized forms of authority. These localized power-figurations had common characteristics: they were established by clan-based militias, used primary forms of rev... Read More about Authority and administration beyond the state: local governance in southern Somalia 1995–2006.

Drogen und Krieg: die Bedeutung von Qaat im somalischen Kriegsgeschehen. = Drugs and War: Relevance of Qaat for the war in Somalia. (2012)
Journal Article
Bakonyi, J. (2012). Drogen und Krieg: die Bedeutung von Qaat im somalischen Kriegsgeschehen. = Drugs and War: Relevance of Qaat for the war in Somalia. INAMO-Beiträge, 18(71), 27-30

Somalia befindet seit 1988 im Krieg, seit 1991 sind im Land alle staatlichen Strukturen zusammengebrochen. Allein im Nordwesten des Landes, der international nicht anerkannten Republik Somaliland, wurde ein Friedensprozess eingeleitet und staatliche... Read More about Drogen und Krieg: die Bedeutung von Qaat im somalischen Kriegsgeschehen. = Drugs and War: Relevance of Qaat for the war in Somalia..