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Professor Jutta Bakonyi's Outputs (8)

Capitalism and Infrastructural Ordering: (Re)Crafting of Statehood and Territorial Power (2024)
Book Chapter
Bakonyi, J., & Darwich, M. (in press). Capitalism and Infrastructural Ordering: (Re)Crafting of Statehood and Territorial Power. In H.-J. Bieling, T. Diez, R. Flemmer, & A. Futterer (Eds.), Transnational Infrastructures and the Transformation of Global Orders. Cham: Springer Nature

This chapter examines how capitalism is enabled by and anchored in the development and expansion of infrastructures. We show that infrastructures are more than just materials that enable movement. They facilitate the expansion of capitalist relations... Read More about Capitalism and Infrastructural Ordering: (Re)Crafting of Statehood and Territorial Power.

Epilogue: Rhythms and space-time of violence in and of the city (2023)
Book Chapter
Bakonyi, J. (2023). Epilogue: Rhythms and space-time of violence in and of the city. In M. Albrecht, & A. Jenss (Eds.), The spatiality and temporality of urban violence: Histories, rhythms and ruptures ( 268–283). Manchester: Manchester University Press.

The epilogue interrogates the book chapters’ understanding of violence and the city. Both violence and the city seem to resist attempts towards conceptualisation. The authors’ thick empirical descriptions, however, allow to carve out temporal and spa... Read More about Epilogue: Rhythms and space-time of violence in and of the city.

Failing States and Statebuilding (2019)
Book Chapter
Bakonyi, J. (2019). Failing States and Statebuilding. In K. Larres, & R. Wittlinger (Eds.), Understanding global politics : actors and themes in international affairs. Routledge

Governing Endemic Crisis. Violence and Legitimacy in the Lives of Somalis (2018)
Book Chapter
Bakonyi, J. (2018). Governing Endemic Crisis. Violence and Legitimacy in the Lives of Somalis. In M. Keating, & M. Waldman (Eds.), War and peace in Somalia : national grievances, local conflict and Al-Shabaab (49-60). Hurst.

This chapter builds on interviews with Somali migrants in Kenya. It explores how Somali citizens evaluate attempts to establish political authority in Somalia, and what aspects of these attempts they consider as legitimate. Against the context of ‘en... Read More about Governing Endemic Crisis. Violence and Legitimacy in the Lives of Somalis.

Konturen der Gewaltordnung in Somalia (2006)
Book Chapter
Bakonyi, J. (2006). Konturen der Gewaltordnung in Somalia. In J. Bakonyi, S. Hensell, & J. Siegelberg (Eds.), Gewaltordnungen bewaffneter Gruppen. Ökonomie und Herrschaft nichtstaatlicher Akteure in den Kriegen der Gegenwart (98-112). Nomos