Walter Scott.
Book Chapter
Robertson, F. (1998). Walter Scott. In M. O’Neill (Ed.), Literature of the Romantic Period: A Bibliographical Guide (221-245). Clarendon Press
Professor Fiona Robertson's Outputs (31)
Scott, Waverley. (1998)
Book Chapter
Robertson, F. (1998). Scott, Waverley. In D. Wu (Ed.), A Companion to Romanticism (211-218). Blackwell
Of Speculation and Return: Scott's Jacobites, John Law, and the Company of the West (1997)
Journal Article
Robertson, F. (1997). Of Speculation and Return: Scott's Jacobites, John Law, and the Company of the West
Keats’s New World: An Emigrant Poetry (1997)
Book Chapter
Robertson, F. (1997). Keats’s New World: An Emigrant Poetry. In M. O’Neill (Ed.), John Keats: Bicentenary Readings (27-47). Edinburgh University Press
Scott. (1997)
Book Chapter
Robertson, F. (1997). Scott. In J. Mullan (Ed.), Lives of the Great Romantics by their Contemporaries. Pickering & Chatto
Legitimate Histories: Scott, Gothic, and the Authorities of Fiction (1994)
Robertson, F. (1994). Legitimate Histories: Scott, Gothic, and the Authorities of Fiction. Clarendon Press
Thomas Campbell. (1994)
Book Chapter
Robertson, F. (1994). Thomas Campbell. In S. Serafin (Ed.), Nineteenth-Century British Literary Biographers (21-33). Gale
Castle Spectres: Scott, Gothic Drama, and the Search for the Narrator (1993)
Book Chapter
Robertson, F. (1993). Castle Spectres: Scott, Gothic Drama, and the Search for the Narrator. In J. Alexander, & D. Hewitt (Eds.), Scott in Carnival (444-458). Scottish Academic Press
’Byron’, ‘Scott’, and L’Étendard Culturel: Le Romantisme’ (1992)
Book Chapter
Robertson, F. (1992). ’Byron’, ‘Scott’, and L’Étendard Culturel: Le Romantisme’. In A. Benoit-Dusausoy, & G. Fontaine (Eds.), La Première Moitié du XIXe Siècle, Lettres Europeénes: Histoire de la Littérature Europeén (554-563, 598-602). Hachette
Walter Scott, The Bride of Lammermoor. (1991)
Robertson, F. (1991). Walter Scott, The Bride of Lammermoor. Oxford University Press
Copied-Text: The New Edinburgh Waverleys.
Journal Article
Robertson, F. (online). Copied-Text: The New Edinburgh Waverleys. The Review of English Studies, 59-65