Thinking in Cases in Ancient Greek mathematics
Book Chapter
Cuomo, S. (2020). Thinking in Cases in Ancient Greek mathematics. In M. Asper (Ed.), Case-Studies in Ancient Science. De Gruyter.
Professor Serafina Cuomo's Outputs (5)
Mathematical traditions in Greece and Rome (2019)
Journal Article
Cuomo, S. (2019). Mathematical traditions in Greece and Rome. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 9(1), 75-85. were different ways of doing mathematics in the ancient Greek and Roman world. This essay will explore historiographical approaches to this diversity, from the claim that there were different traditions, to explorations of the social status of... Read More about Mathematical traditions in Greece and Rome.
Rewarding Science in Ancient Greece and Rome (2019)
Journal Article
Cuomo, S. (2019). Rewarding Science in Ancient Greece and Rome. Nuncius: Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science, 34(2), 236-245. paper surveys some of the ancient Greek and Roman evidence regarding rewards for science and scientists. It discusses Platonist views on whether science ought to be its own reward, and possible alternatives to such views. It concludes that a var... Read More about Rewarding Science in Ancient Greece and Rome.
Vitruvius' analemma (2016)
Book Chapter
Cuomo, S. (2016). Vitruvius' analemma. In A. Imhausen, & T. Pommerening (Eds.), Translating Writings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt, Greece and Rome (439-464). De Gruyter
Tacit knowledge in Vitruvius (2016)
Journal Article
Cuomo, S. (2016). Tacit knowledge in Vitruvius. Arethusa, 49(2), 125-143.