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Professor Simon Mathias' Outputs (84)

Capillary processes increase salt precipitation during CO2 injection in saline formations (2018)
Journal Article
Kelly, H. L., & Mathias, S. A. (2018). Capillary processes increase salt precipitation during CO2 injection in saline formations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 852, 398-421.

An important attraction of saline formations for CO2 storage is that their high salinity renders their associated brine unlikely to be identified as a potential water resource in the future. However, high salinity can lead to dissolved salt precipita... Read More about Capillary processes increase salt precipitation during CO2 injection in saline formations.

Masuda's sandstone core hydrate dissociation experiment revisited (2017)
Journal Article
Hardwick, J., & Mathias, S. (2018). Masuda's sandstone core hydrate dissociation experiment revisited. Chemical Engineering Science, 175, 98-109.

Numerical simulation of hydrate dissociation in porous media is important to investigate future hydrate fuel extraction strategies and/or the impacts of climate change on the long-term stability of vulnerable near-surface hydrate deposits. The core-s... Read More about Masuda's sandstone core hydrate dissociation experiment revisited.

Gas venting that bypasses the feather edge of marine hydrate, offshore Mauritania (2017)
Journal Article
Li, A., Davies, R. J., Mathias, S., Yang, J., Hobbs, R., & Wilson, M. (2017). Gas venting that bypasses the feather edge of marine hydrate, offshore Mauritania. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 88, 402-409.

Methane can be released from the vast marine hydrate reservoirs that surround continents into oceans and perhaps the atmosphere. But how these pathways work within the global carbon cycle now and during a warmer world is only partially understood. He... Read More about Gas venting that bypasses the feather edge of marine hydrate, offshore Mauritania.

Analytical solution for clay plug swelling experiments (2017)
Journal Article
Mathias, S., Greenwell, H., Withers, C., Erdogan, A., McElwaine, J., & MacMinn, C. (2017). Analytical solution for clay plug swelling experiments. Applied Clay Science, 149, 75-78.

Clay swelling experiments frequently involve monitoring the one-dimensional displacement with time of an initially dry clay plug as it imbibes water from a supply at its base. This article presents a new analytical solution for interpreting such expe... Read More about Analytical solution for clay plug swelling experiments.

Soil moisture data as a constraint for groundwater recharge estimation (2017)
Journal Article
Mathias, S. A., Sorensen, J. P., & Butler, A. P. (2017). Soil moisture data as a constraint for groundwater recharge estimation. Journal of Hydrology, 552, 258-266.

Estimating groundwater recharge rates is important for water resource management studies. Modeling approaches to forecast groundwater recharge typically require observed historic data to assist calibration. It is generally not possible to observe gro... Read More about Soil moisture data as a constraint for groundwater recharge estimation.

Methane hydrate recycling offshore of Mauritania probably after the last glacial maximum (2017)
Journal Article
Li, A., Davies, R. J., & Mathias, S. (2017). Methane hydrate recycling offshore of Mauritania probably after the last glacial maximum. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 84, 323-331.

To what extent methane liberated from marine hydrate will enter the ocean during a warmer world is unknown. Although methane release due to hydrate dissociation has been modelled, it is unclear whether or not methane will reach the seafloor during a... Read More about Methane hydrate recycling offshore of Mauritania probably after the last glacial maximum.

A study of non-linearity in rainfall-runoff response using 120 UK catchments (2016)
Journal Article
Mathias, S., McIntyre, N., & Oughton, R. (2016). A study of non-linearity in rainfall-runoff response using 120 UK catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 540, 423-436.

This study presents a catchment characteristic sensitivity analysis concerning the non-linearity of rainfall-runoff response in 120 UK catchments. Two approaches were adopted. The first approach involved, for each catchment, regression of a power-law... Read More about A study of non-linearity in rainfall-runoff response using 120 UK catchments.

Approximate solutions for Forchheimer flow during water injection and water production in an unconfined aquifer (2016)
Journal Article
Mathias, S., & Moutsopoulos, K. (2016). Approximate solutions for Forchheimer flow during water injection and water production in an unconfined aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 538, 13-21.

Understanding the hydraulics around injection and production wells in unconfined aquifers associated with rainwater and reclaimed water aquifer storage schemes is an issue of increasing importance. Much work has been done previously to understand the... Read More about Approximate solutions for Forchheimer flow during water injection and water production in an unconfined aquifer.

Simulation of three-component two-phase flow in porous media using method of lines (2016)
Journal Article
Goudarzi, S., Mathias, S., & Gluyas, J. (2016). Simulation of three-component two-phase flow in porous media using method of lines. Transport in Porous Media, 112(1), 1-19.

Numerical simulation of compositional flow problems commonly involves the use of 1st- or 2nd-order Euler time stepping. Method of lines (MOL), using highly accurate and efficient ODE solvers, is an alternative technique which, although frequently app... Read More about Simulation of three-component two-phase flow in porous media using method of lines.

Comparison of relative permeability–saturation–capillary pressure models for simulation of reservoir CO2 injection (2015)
Journal Article
Oostrom, M., White, M., Porse, S., Krevor, S., & Mathias, S. (2016). Comparison of relative permeability–saturation–capillary pressure models for simulation of reservoir CO2 injection. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 45, 70-85.

Constitutive relations between relative permeability (kr), fluid saturation (S), and capillary pressure (Pc) determine to a large extent the distribution of brine and supercritical CO2 (scCO2) during subsurface injection operations. Published numeric... Read More about Comparison of relative permeability–saturation–capillary pressure models for simulation of reservoir CO2 injection.

Impact of maximum allowable cost on CO2 storage capacity in saline formations (2015)
Journal Article
Mathias, S., Gluyas, J., Goldthorpe, W., & Mackay, E. (2015). Impact of maximum allowable cost on CO2 storage capacity in saline formations. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(22), 13510-13518.

Injecting CO2 into deep saline formations represents an important component of many greenhouse gas reduction strategies for the future. A number of authors have posed concern over the thousands of injection wells likely to be needed. However, a more... Read More about Impact of maximum allowable cost on CO2 storage capacity in saline formations.

An irregular feather-edge and potential outcrop of marine gas hydrate along the Mauritanian margin (2015)
Journal Article
Davies, R. J., Yang, J., Mathias, S., Hobbs, R., & Li, A. (2015). An irregular feather-edge and potential outcrop of marine gas hydrate along the Mauritanian margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 423, 202-209.

The dissociation of marine hydrate that surrounds continental margins is thought to be an agent for past and future climate change. As the water depth decreases landwards, the base of the hydrate stability zone progressively shallows until hydrate ca... Read More about An irregular feather-edge and potential outcrop of marine gas hydrate along the Mauritanian margin.

Numerical simulation of Forchheimer flow to a partially penetrating well with a mixed-type boundary condition (2015)
Journal Article
Mathias, S., & Wen, Z. (2015). Numerical simulation of Forchheimer flow to a partially penetrating well with a mixed-type boundary condition. Journal of Hydrology, 524, 53-61.

This article presents a numerical study to investigate the combined role of partial well penetration (PWP) and non-Darcy effects concerning the performance of groundwater production wells. A finite difference model is developed in MATLAB to solve the... Read More about Numerical simulation of Forchheimer flow to a partially penetrating well with a mixed-type boundary condition.

The late field life of the East Midlands Petroleum Province; a new geothermal prospect? (2015)
Journal Article
Hirst, C., Gluyas, J., & Mathias, S. (2015). The late field life of the East Midlands Petroleum Province; a new geothermal prospect?. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 48(2), 104-114.

Modification of existing oilfield infrastructure could deliver a cost-effective way to extend the economic life of depleted onshore oilfields. Naturally warm connate and injection water contained within these fields could be initially co-produced wit... Read More about The late field life of the East Midlands Petroleum Province; a new geothermal prospect?.

A soil moisture accounting-procedure with a Richards' equation-based soil texture-dependent parameterization (2014)
Journal Article
Mathias, S., Skaggs, T., Quinn, S., Egan, N., Finch, L., & Oldham, C. (2015). A soil moisture accounting-procedure with a Richards' equation-based soil texture-dependent parameterization. Water Resources Research, 51(1), 506-523.

Given a time-series of potential evapotranspiration and rainfall data, there are at least two approaches for estimating vertical percolation rates. One approach involves solving Richards' equation (RE) with a plant uptake model. An alternative approa... Read More about A soil moisture accounting-procedure with a Richards' equation-based soil texture-dependent parameterization.

Heat transport and pressure buildup during carbon dioxide injection into depleted gas reservoirs (2014)
Journal Article
Mathias, S., McElwaine, J., & Gluyas, J. (2014). Heat transport and pressure buildup during carbon dioxide injection into depleted gas reservoirs. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 756, 89-109.

In this article, a two-layer vertical equilibrium model for the injection of carbon dioxide into a low-pressure porous reservoir containing methane and water is developed. The dependent variables solved for include pressure, temperature and $\def \xm... Read More about Heat transport and pressure buildup during carbon dioxide injection into depleted gas reservoirs.

Dynamic modelling of a UK North Sea saline formation for CO2 sequestration (2014)
Journal Article
Watson, F., Mathias, S., Daniels, S., Jones, R., Davies, R., Hedley, B., & van Hunen, J. (2014). Dynamic modelling of a UK North Sea saline formation for CO2 sequestration. Petroleum Geoscience, 20(2), 169-185.

Preliminary dynamic modelling, using TOUGH2/ECO2N, has been carried out to assess the suitability of a site in the UK North Sea for sequestering CO2. The potential storage site is a previously unused saline formation within the Permian Rotliegend san... Read More about Dynamic modelling of a UK North Sea saline formation for CO2 sequestration.