Geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) - Geoscience, technologies, environmental aspects and legal frameworks
Gluyas, J., & Mathias, S. (Eds.). (2013). Geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) - Geoscience, technologies, environmental aspects and legal frameworks. Woodhead Publishing
Professor Simon Mathias' Outputs (8)
Uncertainty in static CO2 storage capacity estimates: Case study from the North Sea, UK (2013)
Journal Article
Hedley, B., Davies, R., Mathias, S., Hanstock, D., & Gluyas, J. (2013). Uncertainty in static CO2 storage capacity estimates: Case study from the North Sea, UK. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 3(3), 212-230.
Farming for Water Quality: Balancing Food Security and Nitrate Pollution in UK River Basins (2013)
Journal Article
Howden, N., Burt, T., Worrall, F., Mathias, S., & Whelan, M. (2013). Farming for Water Quality: Balancing Food Security and Nitrate Pollution in UK River Basins. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103, 397-407.
A pseudospectral approach to the McWhorter and Sunada equation for two-phase flow in porous media with capillary pressure (2013)
Journal Article
Bjørnarå, T., & Mathias, S. (2013). A pseudospectral approach to the McWhorter and Sunada equation for two-phase flow in porous media with capillary pressure. Computational Geosciences, 17(6), 889-897. well-known mathematical solutions for two-phase flow in porous media are the Buckley–Leverett equation and the McWhorter and Sunada equation (MSE). The former ignores capillary pressure and can be solved analytically. The latter has traditionally... Read More about A pseudospectral approach to the McWhorter and Sunada equation for two-phase flow in porous media with capillary pressure.
A statistical analysis of well production rates from UK oil and gas fields – Implications for carbon capture and storage (2013)
Journal Article
Mathias, S., Gluyas, J., Mackay, E., & Goldthorpe, W. (2013). A statistical analysis of well production rates from UK oil and gas fields – Implications for carbon capture and storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 19, 510-518. number of wells required to dispose of global CO2 emissions by injection into geological formations is of interest as a key indicator of feasible deployment rate, scale and cost. Estimates have largely been driven by forecasts of sustainable inje... Read More about A statistical analysis of well production rates from UK oil and gas fields – Implications for carbon capture and storage.
A Lambert W function solution for estimating sustainable injection rates for storage of CO2 in brine aquifers (2013)
Journal Article
Mathias, S., & Roberts, A. (2013). A Lambert W function solution for estimating sustainable injection rates for storage of CO2 in brine aquifers. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 17, 546-548. is often of interest to estimate the maximum possible CO2 injection rate for a given maximum pressure buildup and injection duration scenario. Analytical solutions exist to estimate pressure buildup due to constant rate injection for a specified d... Read More about A Lambert W function solution for estimating sustainable injection rates for storage of CO2 in brine aquifers.
Multiple well systems with non-Darcy flow (2013)
Journal Article
Mijic, A., Mathias, S., & LaForce, T. (2013). Multiple well systems with non-Darcy flow. Groundwater, 51(4), 588-596. of groundwater and other subsurface resources requires analysis of multiple-well systems. The usual modeling approach is to apply a linear flow equation (e.g., Darcy's law in confined aquifers). In such conditions, the composite response... Read More about Multiple well systems with non-Darcy flow.
On the importance of relative permeability data for estimating CO2 injectivity in brine aquifers (2013)
Journal Article
Mathias, S., Gluyas, J., González Martínez de Miguel, G., Bryant, S., & Wilson, D. (2013). On the importance of relative permeability data for estimating CO2 injectivity in brine aquifers. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 12, 200-212. assessment of possible CO2 storage schemes is often investigated through numerical simulation of the CO2 injection process. An important criterion of interest is the maximum sustainable injection rate. Relevant numerical models generally... Read More about On the importance of relative permeability data for estimating CO2 injectivity in brine aquifers.