Moving from cognition to action: A Rejoinder.
Journal Article
Levy, P., & Lord, R. (1994). Moving from cognition to action: A Rejoinder. Applied Psychology, 43(3), 391-398.
Robert Lord's Outputs (155)
Self-regulation: Bridging the gap between cognitive and motivational theories. (1992)
Journal Article
Levy, P., & Lord, R. (1992). Self-regulation: Bridging the gap between cognitive and motivational theories. Applied Psychology, 41(2), 139-144.
Contemporary views of leadership and individual differences. (1992)
Journal Article
Lord, R., & Hall, R. (1992). Contemporary views of leadership and individual differences. The Leadership Quarterly, 3(2), 137-157.
Expertise and problem categorization: The role of expert processing in organizational sense-making. (1992)
Journal Article
Day, D., & Lord, R. (1992). Expertise and problem categorization: The role of expert processing in organizational sense-making. Journal of Management Studies, 29(1), 35-47.
Leadership and Information Processing: Linking Perceptions and Organizational Performance. (1991)
Lord, R., & Maher, K. (1991). Leadership and Information Processing: Linking Perceptions and Organizational Performance. Routledge, Chapman & Hall
Type A behavior pattern and goal setting under different conditions of choice. (1991)
Journal Article
Racicot, B., Day, D., & Lord, R. (1991). Type A behavior pattern and goal setting under different conditions of choice. Motivation and Emotion, 15(1), 67-79.
An application of control theory to understanding the relationship between performance and satisfaction. (1991)
Journal Article
Kernan, M., & Lord, R. (1991). An application of control theory to understanding the relationship between performance and satisfaction. Human Performance, 4(3), 173-186.
Assessing the utility of executive leadership. (1991)
Journal Article
Barrick, M., Day, D., Lord, R., & Alexander, R. (1991). Assessing the utility of executive leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 2(1), 9-22.
An exploration of cognitive demands in group interaction as a moderator of information processing variables in perception of leadership. (1991)
Journal Article
Maurer, T., & Lord, R. (1991). An exploration of cognitive demands in group interaction as a moderator of information processing variables in perception of leadership. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 21(10), 821-840.
Cognitive theory in industrial and organizational psychology. (1991)
Book Chapter
Lord, R., & Maher, K. (1991). Cognitive theory in industrial and organizational psychology. In M. Dunnette, & L. Hough (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial Organizational Psychology (2nd Ed.) Vol 2 (1-62). (2nd ed.). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychological Press
The effects of valence, expectancies, and goal-performance discrepancies in single and multiple goal environments. (1990)
Journal Article
Kernan, M., & Lord, R. (1990). The effects of valence, expectancies, and goal-performance discrepancies in single and multiple goal environments. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(2), 194-203.
Alternative information processing models and their implication for theory, research, and practice. (1990)
Journal Article
Lord, R., & Maher, K. (1990). Alternative information processing models and their implication for theory, research, and practice. Academy of Management Review, 15(1), 9-28.
Perceptions of leadership and their implications in organizations. (1990)
Book Chapter
Lord, R., & Maher, K. (1990). Perceptions of leadership and their implications in organizations. In J. Carroll (Ed.), Applied Social Psychology and Organizational Settings (129-154). Hillsdale, NJ: Earlbaum
The effects of goals and specific feedback on escalation processes. (1989)
Journal Article
Kernan, M., & Lord, R. (1989). The effects of goals and specific feedback on escalation processes. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 19(13), 1125-1143.
The effects of final offer arbitration on the performance of major league baseball players: A test of equity theory. (1989)
Journal Article
Hauenstein, N., & Lord, R. (1989). The effects of final offer arbitration on the performance of major league baseball players: A test of equity theory. Human Performance, 2(3), 147-166.
Application of control theory to work settings. (1989)
Book Chapter
Lord, R., & Kernan, M. (1989). Application of control theory to work settings. In W. Hershberger (Ed.), Volitional Action (493-514). North-Holland
Cognitive processes in Industrial and organizational psychology. (1989)
Book Chapter
Lord, R., & Maher, K. (1989). Cognitive processes in Industrial and organizational psychology. In C. Cooper, & I. Robertson (Eds.), International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 4 (49-91). Wiley
Executive Leadership and Organizational Performance: Suggestions for a New Theory and Methodology. (1988)
Journal Article
Day, D., & Lord, R. (1988). Executive Leadership and Organizational Performance: Suggestions for a New Theory and Methodology. Journal of Management, 14(3), 453-464.
Stimulus prototypicality and general leadership impressions: Their role in leadership and behavioral ratings. (1988)
Journal Article
Fraser, S., & Lord, R. (1988). Stimulus prototypicality and general leadership impressions: Their role in leadership and behavioral ratings. The Journal of Psychology, 122(3), 291-303.
The effects of participative versus assigned goals and feedback in a multitrial task. (1988)
Journal Article
Kernan, M., & Lord, R. (1988). The effects of participative versus assigned goals and feedback in a multitrial task. Motivation and Emotion, 12(1), 75-86.