Perceived self-regulation and individual differences in selected attention.
Journal Article
Diefendorff, J., Lord, R., Hepburn, E., Quickle, J., Hall, R., & Sanders, R. (1998). Perceived self-regulation and individual differences in selected attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 4(3), 228-247.
Robert Lord's Outputs (4)
Measures and assessments for the information processing approach. (1998)
Book Chapter
Hall, R., & Lord, R. (1998). Measures and assessments for the information processing approach. In Monographs in Organizational Behavioral and Industrial Behavior (185-190)
Multi-level information-processing explanations of followers’ leadership perception. (1998)
Book Chapter
Hall, R., & Lord, R. (1998). Multi-level information-processing explanations of followers’ leadership perception. In Monographs in Organizational Behavior and Industrial Relations (159-184). John Wiley and Sons
Response to commentaries: The role of within-individual cognitive structures in determining higher-level effects. (1998)
Book Chapter
Hall, R., & Lord, R. (1998). Response to commentaries: The role of within-individual cognitive structures in determining higher-level effects. In Monographs in Organizational Behavior and Industrial Relations (205-214)