A theory of leadership categorization.
Book Chapter
Lord, R., Foti, R., & Phillips, J. (1982). A theory of leadership categorization. In J. Hunt, U. Sekaran, & C. Schriesheim (Eds.), Leadership: Beyond establishment views (104-121). Carbondale IL: Southern Illinois University Press
Robert Lord's Outputs (5)
Properly categorizing the commentary: A rejoinder to Bass and Morley. (1982)
Book Chapter
Foti, R., Lord, R., & Phillips, J. (1982). Properly categorizing the commentary: A rejoinder to Bass and Morley. In J. Hunt, U. Sekaran, & C. Schriesheim (Eds.), Leadership: Beyond establishment views (159-160). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press
Effects of leadership labels and prototypes on perceptions of political leaders. (1982)
Journal Article
Foti, R., Fraser, S., & Lord, R. (1982). Effects of leadership labels and prototypes on perceptions of political leaders. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67(3), 326-333. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.67.3.326
A control systems conceptualization of the goal-setting and changing process. (1982)
Journal Article
Campion, M., & Lord, R. (1982). A control systems conceptualization of the goal-setting and changing process. Organizational behavior and human performance, 30(2), 265-287. https://doi.org/10.1016/0030-5073%2882%2990221-5
Schematic information processing and perceptions of leadership in problem-solving groups. (1982)
Journal Article
Phillips, J., & Lord, R. (1982). Schematic information processing and perceptions of leadership in problem-solving groups. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67(4), 486-492. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.67.4.486