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Stephanie Lichtenfeld's Outputs (3)

Math self-concept, grades, and achievement test scores: Long-term reciprocal effects across five waves and three achievement tracks (2017)
Journal Article
Katrin, A., Marsh, H., Pekrun, R., Lichtenfeld, S., Murayama, K., & Vom Hofe, R. (2017). Math self-concept, grades, and achievement test scores: Long-term reciprocal effects across five waves and three achievement tracks. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(5), 621-634.

This study examines reciprocal effects between self-concept and achievement by considering a long time span covering grades 5 through 9. Extending previous research on the reciprocal effects model (REM), this study tests (1) the assumption of develop... Read More about Math self-concept, grades, and achievement test scores: Long-term reciprocal effects across five waves and three achievement tracks.

Long-term positive effects of repeating a year in school: Six-year longitudinal study of self-beliefs, anxiety, social relations, school grades, and test scores (2017)
Journal Article
Marsh, H., Pekrun, R., Parker, P., Murayama, K., Guo, J., Dicke, T., & Lichtenfeld, S. (2017). Long-term positive effects of repeating a year in school: Six-year longitudinal study of self-beliefs, anxiety, social relations, school grades, and test scores. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(3), 425-438.

Consistently with a priori predictions, school retention (repeating a year in school) had largely positive effects for a diverse range of 10 outcomes (e.g., math self-concept, self-efficacy, anxiety, relations with teachers, parents and peers, school... Read More about Long-term positive effects of repeating a year in school: Six-year longitudinal study of self-beliefs, anxiety, social relations, school grades, and test scores.

Achievement Emotions and Academic Performance: Longitudinal Models of Reciprocal Effects (2017)
Journal Article
Pekrun, R., Lichtenfeld, S., Marsh, H., Murayama, K., & Goetz, T. (2017). Achievement Emotions and Academic Performance: Longitudinal Models of Reciprocal Effects. Child Development, 88(5), 1653-1670.

A reciprocal effects model linking emotion and achievement over time is proposed. The model was tested using five annual waves of the Project for the Analysis of Learning and Achievement in Mathematics (PALMA) longitudinal study, which investigated a... Read More about Achievement Emotions and Academic Performance: Longitudinal Models of Reciprocal Effects.