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Professor Roger Masterman's Outputs (3)

Unity, Disunity and Vacuity: Constitutional Adjudication and the Common Law (2018)
Book Chapter
Masterman, R., & Wheatle, S. (2018). Unity, Disunity and Vacuity: Constitutional Adjudication and the Common Law. In M. Elliott, J. Varuhas, & S. Wilson Stark (Eds.), The unity of public law : doctrinal, theoretical, and comparative perspectives (123-148). Hart Publishing.

Roger Masterman Se-Shauna Wheatle Our thanks are due to Mark Elliott and William Lucy for their comments on a previous draft. The common law is often seen as a unifying and stabilising factor across and within jurisdictions; in the United Kingdom, fo... Read More about Unity, Disunity and Vacuity: Constitutional Adjudication and the Common Law.