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Dr Karrera Djoko's Outputs (3)

Phenotypic Characterization of a copA Mutant of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Identifies a Link between Copper and Nitrosative Stress (2011)
Journal Article
Djoko, K., Franiek, J., Edwards, J., Falsetta, M., Kidd, S., Potter, A., …McEwan, A. (2012). Phenotypic Characterization of a copA Mutant of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Identifies a Link between Copper and Nitrosative Stress. Infection and Immunity, 80(3), 1065-1071.

NGO0579 is annotated copA in the Neisseria gonorrhoeae chromosome, suggesting that it encodes a cation-transporting ATPase specific for copper ions. Compared to wild-type cells, a copA mutant was more sensitive to killing by copper ions but not to ot... Read More about Phenotypic Characterization of a copA Mutant of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Identifies a Link between Copper and Nitrosative Stress.

Novel Bacterial MerR-Like Regulators: Their Role in the Response to Carbonyl and Nitrosative Stress (2011)
Book Chapter
McEwan, A. G., Djoko, K. Y., Chen, N. H., Couñago, R. L., Kidd, S. P., Potter, A. J., & Jennings, M. P. (2011). Novel Bacterial MerR-Like Regulators: Their Role in the Response to Carbonyl and Nitrosative Stress. In Advances in Microbial Physiology (1-22).

Recognition of the diversity of transcriptional regulators of the MerR family has increased considerably over the last decade and it has been established that not all MerR-like regulators are involved in metal ion recognition. A new type of MerR-like... Read More about Novel Bacterial MerR-Like Regulators: Their Role in the Response to Carbonyl and Nitrosative Stress.