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Professor Jeroen Van Hunen's Outputs (9)

Along arc heterogeneity in local seismicity across the Lesser Antilles subduction zone from a dense ocean-bottom seismometer network (2019)
Journal Article
Bie, L., Rietbrock, A., Hicks, S., Allen, R., Blundy, J., Clouard, V., Collier, J., Davidson, J., Garth, T., Goes, S., Harmon, N., Henstock, T., Van Hunen, J., Kendall, M., Krüger, F., Lynch, L., MacPherson, C., Robertson, R., Rychert, K., Tait, S., …Wilson, M. (2020). Along arc heterogeneity in local seismicity across the Lesser Antilles subduction zone from a dense ocean-bottom seismometer network. Seismological Research Letters, 9(1), 237-247.

The Lesser Antilles arc is only one of two subduction zones where slow‐spreading Atlantic lithosphere is consumed. Slow‐spreading may result in the Atlantic lithosphere being more pervasively and heterogeneously hydrated than fast‐spreading Pacific l... Read More about Along arc heterogeneity in local seismicity across the Lesser Antilles subduction zone from a dense ocean-bottom seismometer network.

The Role of Crustal Buoyancy in the Generation and Emplacement of Magmatism During Continental Collision (2019)
Journal Article
Schliffke, N., Hunen, J., Magni, V., & Allen, M. B. (2019). The Role of Crustal Buoyancy in the Generation and Emplacement of Magmatism During Continental Collision. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20(11), 4693-4709.

During continental collision, considerable amounts of buoyant continental crust subduct to depth and subsequently exhume. Whether various exhumation paths contribute to contrasting styles of magmatism across modern collision zones is unclear. Here we... Read More about The Role of Crustal Buoyancy in the Generation and Emplacement of Magmatism During Continental Collision.

Mapping geologic features onto subducted slabs (2019)
Journal Article
Harmon, N., Rychert, C., Collier, J., Henstock, T., van Hunen, J., & Wilkinson, J. J. (2019). Mapping geologic features onto subducted slabs. Geophysical Journal International, 219(2), 725-733.

Estimating the location of geologic and tectonic features on a subducting plate is important for interpreting their spatial relationships with other observables including seismicity, seismic velocity and attenuation anomalies, and the location of ore... Read More about Mapping geologic features onto subducted slabs.

Segmentation of rifts through structural inheritance: Creation of the Davis Strait (2019)
Journal Article
Heron, P., Peace, A., McCaffrey, K., Welford, J., Wilson, R., van Hunen, J., & Pysklywec, R. (2019). Segmentation of rifts through structural inheritance: Creation of the Davis Strait. Tectonics, 38(7), 2411-2430.

Mesozoic‐Cenozoic rifting between Greenland and North America created the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay, while leaving preserved continental lithosphere in the Davis Strait which lies between them. Inherited crustal structures from a Palaeoproterozoic... Read More about Segmentation of rifts through structural inheritance: Creation of the Davis Strait.

Analogue modeling of plate rotation effects in transform margins and rift-transform intersections (2019)
Journal Article
Farangitakis, G., Sokoutis, D., McCaffrey, K., Willingshofer, E., Kalnins, L., Phethean, J., van Hunen, J., & van Steen, V. (2019). Analogue modeling of plate rotation effects in transform margins and rift-transform intersections. Tectonics, 13(3), 823-841.

Transform margins are first‐order tectonic features that accommodate oceanic spreading. Uncertainties remain about their evolution, genetic relationship to oceanic spreading, and general structural character. When the relative motion of the plates ch... Read More about Analogue modeling of plate rotation effects in transform margins and rift-transform intersections.

Modeling Slab Temperature: a Reevaluation of the Thermal Parameter (2019)
Journal Article
Maunder, B., van Hunen, J., Bouilhol, P., & Magni, V. (2019). Modeling Slab Temperature: a Reevaluation of the Thermal Parameter. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20(2), 673-687.

We re‐evaluate the effects of slab age, speed and dip on slab temperature with numerical models. The Thermal Parameter Φ =t v sin θ, where t is age, v is speed, and θ is angle, is traditionally used as an indicator of slab temperature. However, we fi... Read More about Modeling Slab Temperature: a Reevaluation of the Thermal Parameter.