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Professor Jeroen Van Hunen's Outputs (1)

Various mechanisms to induce present-day shallow flat subduction and implications for the younger Earth: a numerical parameter study (2004)
Journal Article
van Hunen, J., van den Berg, A., & Vlaar, N. (2004). Various mechanisms to induce present-day shallow flat subduction and implications for the younger Earth: a numerical parameter study. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 146(1-2), 179-194.

Shallow flat subduction is a relatively common feature at present-day subduction zones. Several mechanisms to explain this feature have been proposed, and can be subdivided into three groups: overthrusting of the subducting plate, subduction of a plu... Read More about Various mechanisms to induce present-day shallow flat subduction and implications for the younger Earth: a numerical parameter study.