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Professor Jeroen Van Hunen's Outputs (101)

No evidence for thermogenic methane release in coal from the Karoo-Ferrar large igneous province (2009)
Journal Article
Gröcke, D., Rimmer, S., Yoksoulian, L., Cairncross, B., Tsikos, H., & van Hunen, J. (2009). No evidence for thermogenic methane release in coal from the Karoo-Ferrar large igneous province. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277(1-2), 204-212.

The Early Jurassic Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (T-OAE) and concurrent negative carbon-isotope (δ13C) excursion have recently been attributed to either the release of methane (CH4) clathrates or thermogenic CH4 gas associated with the Karoo-Ferrar l... Read More about No evidence for thermogenic methane release in coal from the Karoo-Ferrar large igneous province.

A benchmark comparison of subduction models (2008)
Journal Article
Schmeling, H., Babeyko, A., Enns, A., Faccenna, C., Funiciello, F., Gerya, T., …van Hunen, J. (2008). A benchmark comparison of subduction models. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 171, 198-223.

Numerically modelling the dynamics of a self-consistently subducting lithosphere is a challenging task because of the decoupling problems of the slab from the free surface. We address this problem with a benchmark comparison between various numerical... Read More about A benchmark comparison of subduction models.

Geochemical variation at the Hawaiian hot spot caused by upper mantle dynamics and melting of a heterogeneous plume (2008)
Journal Article
Bianco, T., Ito, G., van Hunen, J., Ballmer, M., & Mahoney, J. (2008). Geochemical variation at the Hawaiian hot spot caused by upper mantle dynamics and melting of a heterogeneous plume. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9(11),

Geochemical variations within the young Hawaiian Islands occur in two particularly prominent forms: differences between volcanic stages and differences between the “Loa” and “Kea” subchains. These observations have been interpreted to reveal spatial... Read More about Geochemical variation at the Hawaiian hot spot caused by upper mantle dynamics and melting of a heterogeneous plume.

Small-scale convection during continental rifting: Evidence from the Rio Grande rift (2008)
Journal Article
van Wijk, J., van Hunen, J., & Goes, S. (2008). Small-scale convection during continental rifting: Evidence from the Rio Grande rift. Geology, 36(7), 575-578.

Recent seismic imaging across the Rio Grande rift, western United States, revealed unexpected structures in the underlying mantle. Low seismic wave velocity anomalies below the Rio Grande rift have been interpreted as being partially of melt origin,... Read More about Small-scale convection during continental rifting: Evidence from the Rio Grande rift.

Plate tectonics on the early Earth : limitations imposed by strength and buoyancy of subducted lithosphere (2008)
Journal Article
van Hunen, J., & van den Berg, A. (2008). Plate tectonics on the early Earth : limitations imposed by strength and buoyancy of subducted lithosphere. Lithos, 103(1-2), 217-235.

The tectonic style and viability of modern plate tectonics in the early Earth is still debated. Field observations and theoretical arguments both in favor and against the uniformitarian view of plate tectonics back until the Archean continue to accum... Read More about Plate tectonics on the early Earth : limitations imposed by strength and buoyancy of subducted lithosphere.

Why does plate tectonics only occur on Earth? (2008)
Journal Article
Martin, P., van Hunen, J., Parman, S., & Davidson, J. (2008). Why does plate tectonics only occur on Earth?. Physics Education, 43(2), 144-150.

Plate tectonics governs the topography and motions of the surface of Earth, and the loss of heat from Earth’s interior, but appears to be found uniquely on Earth in the Solar System. Why does plate tectonics occur only on Earth? This is one of the ma... Read More about Why does plate tectonics only occur on Earth?.

Slab stiffness control of trench motion: Insights from numerical models (2008)
Journal Article
Di Giuseppe, E., van Hunen, J., Funiciello, F., Faccenna, C., & Giardini, D. (2008). Slab stiffness control of trench motion: Insights from numerical models. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9(2),

Subduction zones are not static features, but trenches retreat (roll back) or advance. Here, we investigate the dominant dynamic controls on trench migration by means of two- and three-dimensional numerical modeling of subduction. This investigation... Read More about Slab stiffness control of trench motion: Insights from numerical models.

Non-hotspot volcano chains originating from small-scale sublithospheric convection (2007)
Journal Article
Ballmer, M., van Hunen, J., Ito, G., Tackley, P., & Bianco, T. (2007). Non-hotspot volcano chains originating from small-scale sublithospheric convection. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L23310,

Some oceanic volcano chains violate the predictions of the hotspot hypothesis for geographic age progressions. One mechanism invoked to explain these observations is small-scale sublithospheric convection (SSC). In this study, we explore this concept... Read More about Non-hotspot volcano chains originating from small-scale sublithospheric convection.

Stress distribution within subducting slabs and their deformation in the transition zone. (2007)
Journal Article
Cizkova, H., van Hunen, J., & van den Berg, A. (2007). Stress distribution within subducting slabs and their deformation in the transition zone. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 161(3-4), 202-214.

The mechanical behavior of slabs in the mantle transition zone is a poorly understood phenomenon. To obtain a better understanding of the stress and deformation pattern inside subducting slabs, we performed 2D numerical simulations of the subduction... Read More about Stress distribution within subducting slabs and their deformation in the transition zone..

Influence of rheology on realignment of mantle convective structure with plate motion after a plate reorganization (2006)
Journal Article
van Hunen, J., & Zhong, S. (2006). Influence of rheology on realignment of mantle convective structure with plate motion after a plate reorganization. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 7(8),

Small-scale convection (SSC) rolls below the oceanic lithosphere have the tendency to align with the large-scale shearing direction and thus with the plate motion direction relative to the deep mantle. Understanding the timescales of and processes re... Read More about Influence of rheology on realignment of mantle convective structure with plate motion after a plate reorganization.

New evidence for dislocation creep from 3-D geodynamic modelling of the Pacific upper mantle structure (2005)
Journal Article
van Hunen, J., Zhong, S., Shapiro, N., & Ritzwoller, M. (2005). New evidence for dislocation creep from 3-D geodynamic modelling of the Pacific upper mantle structure. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 238(1-2), 146-155.

Laboratory studies on deformation of olivine in response to applied stress suggest two distinct deformation mechanisms in the earth's upper mantle: diffusion creep through diffusion of atoms along grain boundaries and dislocation creep by slipping al... Read More about New evidence for dislocation creep from 3-D geodynamic modelling of the Pacific upper mantle structure.

Various mechanisms to induce present-day shallow flat subduction and implications for the younger Earth: a numerical parameter study (2004)
Journal Article
van Hunen, J., van den Berg, A., & Vlaar, N. (2004). Various mechanisms to induce present-day shallow flat subduction and implications for the younger Earth: a numerical parameter study. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 146(1-2), 179-194.

Shallow flat subduction is a relatively common feature at present-day subduction zones. Several mechanisms to explain this feature have been proposed, and can be subdivided into three groups: overthrusting of the subducting plate, subduction of a plu... Read More about Various mechanisms to induce present-day shallow flat subduction and implications for the younger Earth: a numerical parameter study.

New insight in the Hawaiian plume swell dynamics from scaling laws (2003)
Journal Article
van Hunen, J., & Zhong, S. (2003). New insight in the Hawaiian plume swell dynamics from scaling laws. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(15),

The formation and shape variation of the Hawaiian plume swell is re-examined numerically. Scaling laws for the plume buoyancy flux and swell width and height help gaining new insight in relationships between swell formation and relevant model paramet... Read More about New insight in the Hawaiian plume swell dynamics from scaling laws.

Controls on sublithospheric small-scale convection (2003)
Journal Article
Huang, J., Zhong, S., & van Hunen, J. (2003). Controls on sublithospheric small-scale convection. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(B8), Article 2405.

[1] The Pacific upper mantle structures revealed from recent seismic studies prompt us to study the dynamics of sublithospheric small-scale convection (SSC) derived from thermal boundary layer instabilities of cooling lithosphere. As oceanic lithosph... Read More about Controls on sublithospheric small-scale convection.

Interaction between small-scale mantle diapirs and a continental root. (2003)
Journal Article
van Thienen, P., van den Berg, A., de Smet, J., van Hunen, J., & Drury, M. (2003). Interaction between small-scale mantle diapirs and a continental root. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 4(2), Article 8301.

A possible mechanism for adding material to a continental root is by means of upwellings from the convecting mantle subject to pressure release partial melting. We present results of numerical modeling of the interaction of melting diapirs with conti... Read More about Interaction between small-scale mantle diapirs and a continental root..

On the role of subducting oceanic plateaus in the development of shallow flat subduction (2002)
Journal Article
van Hunen, J., van den Berg, A., & Vlaar, N. (2002). On the role of subducting oceanic plateaus in the development of shallow flat subduction. Tectonophysics, 352(3-4), 317-333.

Oceanic plateaus, aseismic ridges or seamount chains all have a thickened crust and their subduction has been proposed as a possible mechanism to explain the occurrence of flat subduction and related absence of arc magmatism below Peru, Central Chile... Read More about On the role of subducting oceanic plateaus in the development of shallow flat subduction.