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Professor David Selby's Outputs (214)

Minor and Trace Element and Re-Os Chemistry of the Upper Devonian Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, West Texas: Insights into Metal Abundance and Basin Processes (2013)
Journal Article
Harris, N., Mnich, C., Selby, D., & Korn, D. (2013). Minor and Trace Element and Re-Os Chemistry of the Upper Devonian Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, West Texas: Insights into Metal Abundance and Basin Processes. Chemical Geology, 356, 76-93.

The trace and minor element and Re–Os geochemistry of the Upper Devonian Woodford Shale are analyzed in order to characterize elemental abundances, to identify associations among trace elements and to constrain paleoceanographic conditions and deposi... Read More about Minor and Trace Element and Re-Os Chemistry of the Upper Devonian Woodford Shale, Permian Basin, West Texas: Insights into Metal Abundance and Basin Processes.

Evaluation of the Rhenium-Osmium geochronometer in the Phosphoria Petroleum System, Bighorn Basin of Wyoming and Montana, USA (2013)
Journal Article
Lillis, P., & Selby, D. (2013). Evaluation of the Rhenium-Osmium geochronometer in the Phosphoria Petroleum System, Bighorn Basin of Wyoming and Montana, USA. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 118, 312-330.

Rhenium–osmium (Re–Os) geochronometry is applied to crude oils derived from the Permian Phosphoria Formation of the Bighorn Basin in Wyoming and Montana to determine whether the radiogenic age reflects the timing of petroleum generation, timing of mi... Read More about Evaluation of the Rhenium-Osmium geochronometer in the Phosphoria Petroleum System, Bighorn Basin of Wyoming and Montana, USA.

Lithogeochemistry, Geochronology and Geodynamic Setting of the Lupa Terrane, Tanzania: Implications for the Extent of the Archean Tanzanian Craton (2013)
Journal Article
Lawley, C., Selby, D., Condon, D., Horstwood, M., Millar, I., Crowley, Q., & Imber, J. (2013). Lithogeochemistry, Geochronology and Geodynamic Setting of the Lupa Terrane, Tanzania: Implications for the Extent of the Archean Tanzanian Craton. Precambrian Research, 231, 174-193.

Herein we provide new zircon U–Pb ID-TIMS, U–Pb LA-MC-ICP-MS and Lu–Hf LA-MC-ICP-MS results from the Lupa Terrane, SW Tanzania, and demonstrate that previously considered Paleoproterozoic granites comprising the Paleoproterozoic Ubendian Belt are in... Read More about Lithogeochemistry, Geochronology and Geodynamic Setting of the Lupa Terrane, Tanzania: Implications for the Extent of the Archean Tanzanian Craton.

Termination of a continent-margin upwelling system at the Permian-Triassic boundary (Opal Creek, Alberta, Canada) (2013)
Journal Article
Schoepfer, S., Henderson, C., Garrison, G., Foriel, J., Ward, P., Selby, D., …Sheng, Y. (2013). Termination of a continent-margin upwelling system at the Permian-Triassic boundary (Opal Creek, Alberta, Canada). Global and Planetary Change, 105, 21-35.

Models of mass extinctions caused by greenhouse warming depend on the ability of warming to affect the oxygenation of the ocean, either through slowing circulation or changes in biological productivity and the organic carbon budget. Opal Creek, Alber... Read More about Termination of a continent-margin upwelling system at the Permian-Triassic boundary (Opal Creek, Alberta, Canada).

Anoxia in the terrestrial environment during the Late Mesoproterozoic (2013)
Journal Article
Cumming, V., Poulton, S., Rooney, A., & Selby, D. (2013). Anoxia in the terrestrial environment during the Late Mesoproterozoic. Geology, 41(5), 583-586.

A significant body of evidence suggests that the marine environment remained largely anoxic throughout most of the Precambrian. In contrast, the oxygenation history of terrestrial aquatic environments has received little attention, despite the signif... Read More about Anoxia in the terrestrial environment during the Late Mesoproterozoic.

U–Pb isotope and trace element analysis of columbite-(Mn) and zircon by laser ablation ICP–MS: Implications for geochronology of pegmatite and associated ore deposits (2013)
Journal Article
Deng, X., Li, J., Zhao, X., Hu, Z., Hu, H., Selby, D., & de Souza, Z. (2013). U–Pb isotope and trace element analysis of columbite-(Mn) and zircon by laser ablation ICP–MS: Implications for geochronology of pegmatite and associated ore deposits. Chemical Geology, 344, 1-11.

U–Pb isotopes and trace elements of columbite-(Mn) and zircon from an early Cretaceous pegmatite dike in the Xiaoqinling district, North China Craton, were analyzed using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to bett... Read More about U–Pb isotope and trace element analysis of columbite-(Mn) and zircon by laser ablation ICP–MS: Implications for geochronology of pegmatite and associated ore deposits.

Opening of a trans-Pangaean marine corridor during the Early Jurassic: Insights from osmium isotopes across the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian GSSP, Robin Hood's Bay, UK (2013)
Journal Article
Porter, S., Selby, D., Suzuki, K., & Gröcke, D. (2013). Opening of a trans-Pangaean marine corridor during the Early Jurassic: Insights from osmium isotopes across the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian GSSP, Robin Hood's Bay, UK. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 375, 50-58.

The Hispanic Corridor represents a significant phase of continental reorganisation of the Early Jurassic that eventually provided connectivity between the western Tethyan and eastern Pacific oceans along the Central Atlantic rift zone. Although the i... Read More about Opening of a trans-Pangaean marine corridor during the Early Jurassic: Insights from osmium isotopes across the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian GSSP, Robin Hood's Bay, UK.

Geology, mineralization, and geochronology of the Qianhe gold deposit, southern North China Craton (2013)
Journal Article
Tang, K., Li, J., Selby, D., Bi, S., & Deng, X. (2013). Geology, mineralization, and geochronology of the Qianhe gold deposit, southern North China Craton. Mineralium Deposita, 48, 729–747.

The Qianhe gold deposit in the Xiong’ershan area is located along the southern margin of the Archean-Paleoproterozoic North China Craton. The deposit consists of six orebodies that are hosted in Paleoproterozoic andesites to basaltic andesites and st... Read More about Geology, mineralization, and geochronology of the Qianhe gold deposit, southern North China Craton.

An Re-Os date for molybdenite-bearing quartz vein mineralization within the Kangerlussuaq alkaline complex, East Greenland: Implications for the timing of regional metallogenesis (2012)
Journal Article
Holwell, D., Selby, D., Boyce, A., Gilbertson, J., & Abraham-James, T. (2012). An Re-Os date for molybdenite-bearing quartz vein mineralization within the Kangerlussuaq alkaline complex, East Greenland: Implications for the timing of regional metallogenesis. Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 107, 713-722

Re–Os geochronology of the lacustrine Green River Formation: Insights into direct depositional dating of lacustrine successions, Re–Os systematics and paleocontinental weathering (2012)
Journal Article
Cumming, V., Selby, D., & Lillis, P. (2012). Re–Os geochronology of the lacustrine Green River Formation: Insights into direct depositional dating of lacustrine successions, Re–Os systematics and paleocontinental weathering. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 359-360, 194-205.

Copper(II)-mediated thermolysis of alginates: a model kinetic study on the influence of metal ions in the thermochemical processing of macroalgae (2012)
Journal Article
Rowbotham, J., Dyer, P., Greenwell, H., Selby, D., & Theodorou, M. (2012). Copper(II)-mediated thermolysis of alginates: a model kinetic study on the influence of metal ions in the thermochemical processing of macroalgae. Interface Focus, 3(1),

Thermochemical processing methods such as pyrolysis are of growing interest as a means of converting biomass into fuels and commodity chemicals in a sustainable manner. Macroalgae, or seaweed, represent a novel class of feedstock for pyrolysis that,... Read More about Copper(II)-mediated thermolysis of alginates: a model kinetic study on the influence of metal ions in the thermochemical processing of macroalgae.

Petroleum source rock identification of United Kingdom Atlantic Margin oil fields and the Western Canadian Oil Sands using Platinum, Palladium, Osmium and Rhenium: Implications for global petroleum systems (2012)
Journal Article
Finlay, A., Selby, D., & Osborne, M. (2012). Petroleum source rock identification of United Kingdom Atlantic Margin oil fields and the Western Canadian Oil Sands using Platinum, Palladium, Osmium and Rhenium: Implications for global petroleum systems. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 313-314, 95-104.

This study demonstrates that petroleum and source rocks are enriched in Pt and Pd to the ppb level, and that the 187Os/188Os composition coupled with the Pt/Pd value permits the fingerprinting of petroleum to its source. Oils from the United Kingdom... Read More about Petroleum source rock identification of United Kingdom Atlantic Margin oil fields and the Western Canadian Oil Sands using Platinum, Palladium, Osmium and Rhenium: Implications for global petroleum systems.