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Professor David Selby's Outputs (3)

Direct radiometric dating of the Devonian-Mississippian time-scale boundary using the Re-Os black shale geochronometer (2005)
Journal Article
Selby, D., & Creaser, R. (2005). Direct radiometric dating of the Devonian-Mississippian time-scale boundary using the Re-Os black shale geochronometer. Geology, 33(7), 545-548.

Many Phanerozoic time-scale boundaries are characterized by oceanic anoxia and mass extinction events with the deposition of black shale. The Re-Os isotope system in black shale can be used to provide depositional ages for these rocks, thus yielding... Read More about Direct radiometric dating of the Devonian-Mississippian time-scale boundary using the Re-Os black shale geochronometer.

Evaluation of bitumen as a 187Re-187Os geochronometer for hydrocarbon maturation and migration: A case study from the Polaris MVT deposit, Canada (2005)
Journal Article
Selby, D., Creaser, R., Dewing, K., & Fowler, M. (2005). Evaluation of bitumen as a 187Re-187Os geochronometer for hydrocarbon maturation and migration: A case study from the Polaris MVT deposit, Canada. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 235(1-2), 1-15.

Abstract Re–Os analyses of bitumen from the Polaris Mississippi Valley-type Zn–Pb deposit demonstrate the potential utility of the Re–Os system for establishing the absolute timing of hydrocarbon migration and generation. The Polaris deposit is hoste... Read More about Evaluation of bitumen as a 187Re-187Os geochronometer for hydrocarbon maturation and migration: A case study from the Polaris MVT deposit, Canada.

Direct radiometric dating of hydrocarbon deposits using Rhenium-Osmium isotopes (2005)
Journal Article
Selby, D., & Creaser, R. (2005). Direct radiometric dating of hydrocarbon deposits using Rhenium-Osmium isotopes. Science, 308(5726), 1293-1295.

Rhenium-osmium (Re-Os) data from migrated hydrocarbons establish the timing of petroleum emplacement for the giant oil sand deposits of Alberta, Canada, at 112 ± 5.3 million years ago. This date does not support models that invoke oil generation and... Read More about Direct radiometric dating of hydrocarbon deposits using Rhenium-Osmium isotopes.