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Professor Darren Grocke's Outputs (5)

Exceptionally preserved Late Albian (Cretaceous) Arcellaceans (Thecamoebians) from the Dakota Formation near Lincoln, Nebraska, USA (2007)
Journal Article
van Hengstum, P., Reinhardt, E., Medioli, F., & Gröcke, D. (2007). Exceptionally preserved Late Albian (Cretaceous) Arcellaceans (Thecamoebians) from the Dakota Formation near Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Journal of foraminiferal research, 37(4), 300-308.

Thousands of exceptionally well-preserved Arcellaceans (Thecamoebians) have been recovered from a Late Albian (Cretaceous) deposit. Sedimentary samples were obtained from a clayey-silt leaf bed in the Dakota Formation, outcropping in a clay pit excav... Read More about Exceptionally preserved Late Albian (Cretaceous) Arcellaceans (Thecamoebians) from the Dakota Formation near Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.

Reply to the comment on “Non-uniqueness and interpretation of the seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve” by John M. McArthur and Paul B. Wignall (2007)
Journal Article
Gröcke, D., & Waltham, D. (2007). Reply to the comment on “Non-uniqueness and interpretation of the seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve” by John M. McArthur and Paul B. Wignall. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(13), 3387 -3387.

Waltham and Gröcke (2006) introduced a new methodology for analysis of the seawater strontium-isotope curve, which showed that changes to a source-flux (e.g., the continental weathering flux) or a source-isotope ratio (e.g., the hydrothermal flux iso... Read More about Reply to the comment on “Non-uniqueness and interpretation of the seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve” by John M. McArthur and Paul B. Wignall.

A preliminary analysis of the DNA and diet of the extinct Beothuk: A systematic approach to ancient human DNA (2007)
Journal Article
Kuch, M., Gröcke, D., Knyf, M., Thomas, M., Gilbert, P., Younghusband, B., …Poinar, H. (2007). A preliminary analysis of the DNA and diet of the extinct Beothuk: A systematic approach to ancient human DNA. American journal of physical anthropology, 132(4), 594-604.

We have used a systematic protocol for extracting, quantitating, sexing and validating ancient human mitochondrial and nuclear DNA of one male and one female Beothuk, a Native American population from Newfoundland, which became extinct 180 years ago.... Read More about A preliminary analysis of the DNA and diet of the extinct Beothuk: A systematic approach to ancient human DNA.

Atypical diagenetic effects on strontium-isotope composition of Early Jurassic belemnites, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada (2007)
Journal Article
Gröcke, D., Hesselbo, S., & Findlay, D. (2007). Atypical diagenetic effects on strontium-isotope composition of Early Jurassic belemnites, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 44(2), 181-197.

In this study, strontium-, carbon- and oxygen-isotope data are reported from Early Jurassic belemnites from Yakoun River, Queen Charlotte Islands (QCI), British Columbia. Assuming that the established ammonite correlations between Canada and Europe a... Read More about Atypical diagenetic effects on strontium-isotope composition of Early Jurassic belemnites, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada.