Exceptionally preserved Late Albian (Cretaceous) Arcellaceans (Thecamoebians) from the Dakota Formation near Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Journal Article
van Hengstum, P., Reinhardt, E., Medioli, F., & Gröcke, D. (2007). Exceptionally preserved Late Albian (Cretaceous) Arcellaceans (Thecamoebians) from the Dakota Formation near Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Journal of foraminiferal research, 37(4), 300-308. https://doi.org/10.2113/gsjfr.37.4.300
Thousands of exceptionally well-preserved Arcellaceans (Thecamoebians) have been recovered from a Late Albian (Cretaceous) deposit. Sedimentary samples were obtained from a clayey-silt leaf bed in the Dakota Formation, outcropping in a clay pit excav... Read More about Exceptionally preserved Late Albian (Cretaceous) Arcellaceans (Thecamoebians) from the Dakota Formation near Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.