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Professor Darren Grocke's Outputs (4)

Facies analysis and correlation of high-order sequences in middle-outer ramp successions: variations in exported carbonate on basin-wide δ13Ccarb (Kimmeridgian, NE Spain) (2005)
Journal Article
Bádenas, B., Aurell, M., & Gröcke, D. (2005). Facies analysis and correlation of high-order sequences in middle-outer ramp successions: variations in exported carbonate on basin-wide δ13Ccarb (Kimmeridgian, NE Spain). Sedimentology, 52(6), 1253-1275.

Carbonate mud that accumulated in the deep parts of a late Kimmeridgian carbonate ramp (Iberian Basin, NE Spain) was partly derived by resedimentation from shallow water production areas. High-frequency sea-level changes, probably driven by climatic... Read More about Facies analysis and correlation of high-order sequences in middle-outer ramp successions: variations in exported carbonate on basin-wide δ13Ccarb (Kimmeridgian, NE Spain).

The Upper Valanginian (Early Cretaceous) positive carbon-isotope event recorded in terrestrial plants (2005)
Journal Article
Gröcke, D., Price, G., Robinson, S., Baraboshkin, E., Mutterlose, J., & Ruffell, A. (2005). The Upper Valanginian (Early Cretaceous) positive carbon-isotope event recorded in terrestrial plants. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 240(2), 495-509.

Our understanding of the ancient ocean-atmosphere system has focused on oceanic proxies. However, the study of terrestrial proxies is equally necessary to constrain our understanding of ancient climates and linkages between the terrestrial and oceani... Read More about The Upper Valanginian (Early Cretaceous) positive carbon-isotope event recorded in terrestrial plants.

Non-uniqueness and interpretation of the seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve (2005)
Journal Article
Waltham, D., & Gröcke, D. (2006). Non-uniqueness and interpretation of the seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70(2), 384-394.

Variations in the seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve through time can be caused by fluctuations in the strontium flux or variations in the isotopic ratio from at least six different sources and sinks. Thus, 12 or more parameters control each single measurement... Read More about Non-uniqueness and interpretation of the seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve.

Nitrogen and carbon partitioning in diagenetic and hydrothermal minerals from Paleozoic Black Shales, (Selwyn Basin, Yukon Territories, Canada) (2005)
Journal Article
Orberger, B., Gallien, J., Pinti, D., Fialin, M., Daudin, L., Gröcke, D., & Pasava, J. (2005). Nitrogen and carbon partitioning in diagenetic and hydrothermal minerals from Paleozoic Black Shales, (Selwyn Basin, Yukon Territories, Canada). Chemical Geology, 218(3-4), 249-264.

Selected mineralized black shales of Devonian age from the Selwyn Basin, Northwest Territories (Canada) were analyzed by Nuclear Reaction Analyses (NRA) and electron microprobe for nitrogen and carbon in silicates, sulfides, phosphates and organic ma... Read More about Nitrogen and carbon partitioning in diagenetic and hydrothermal minerals from Paleozoic Black Shales, (Selwyn Basin, Yukon Territories, Canada).