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Professor Darren Grocke's Outputs (1)

‘From the mouths of babes’: a subadult dietary stable isotope perspective on Roman London (Londinium) (2017)
Journal Article
Redfern, R., Gowland, R., Millard, A., Powell, L., & Gröcke, D. (2018). ‘From the mouths of babes’: a subadult dietary stable isotope perspective on Roman London (Londinium). Journal of Archaeological Science, 19, 1030-1040.

Londinium (48–410 CE) was the focus for Roman administration and trade in Britain; it was established and inhabited by people from across the Empire who continued to practice their diverse food-ways. Roman London was a unique settlement, whose fluctu... Read More about ‘From the mouths of babes’: a subadult dietary stable isotope perspective on Roman London (Londinium).