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Professor Darren Grocke's Outputs (9)

Intercontinental correlation of organic carbon and carbonate stable-isotope records: evidence of climate and sea-level change during the Turonian (Cretaceous) (2015)
Journal Article
Jarvis, I., Trabucho-Alexandre, J., Gröcke, D., Uličný, D., & Laurin, J. (2015). Intercontinental correlation of organic carbon and carbonate stable-isotope records: evidence of climate and sea-level change during the Turonian (Cretaceous). Depositional Record, 1(2), 53-90.

Carbon (δ13Corg, δ13Ccarb) and oxygen (δ18Ocarb) isotope records are presented for an expanded Upper Cretaceous (Turonian–Coniacian) hemipelagic succession cored in the central Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic. Geophysical logs, biostratigra... Read More about Intercontinental correlation of organic carbon and carbonate stable-isotope records: evidence of climate and sea-level change during the Turonian (Cretaceous).

Miocene climate and vegetation changes in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa: evidence from biogeochemistry and palynology (2015)
Journal Article
Sciscio, L., Tsikos, H., Roberts, D., Scott, L., van Breugel, Y., Sinninghe Damste, J., …Gröcke, D. (2016). Miocene climate and vegetation changes in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa: evidence from biogeochemistry and palynology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 445, 124-137.

Organic material from the Noordhoek area on the western margin of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, was obtained from a ~ 50 m-long drill-core dominated by fluvio-lacustrine siliciclastic sediments. The aim of this study is to constrain fluctuations... Read More about Miocene climate and vegetation changes in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa: evidence from biogeochemistry and palynology.

Geochemical and lithological controls on a potential shale reservoir: Carboniferous Holywell Shale, Wales (2015)
Journal Article
Newport, L. P., Aplin, A. C., Gluyas, J. G., Greenwell, H. C., & Gröcke, D. R. (2015). Geochemical and lithological controls on a potential shale reservoir: Carboniferous Holywell Shale, Wales. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 71, 198-210.

The Holywell Shale is part of the Carboniferous Bowland Shale Formation, identified as the main potential shale gas system in the UK. Here, we report geochemical and petrographic data from five outcrops of the Lower and Upper Holywell Shale across no... Read More about Geochemical and lithological controls on a potential shale reservoir: Carboniferous Holywell Shale, Wales.

Assessing land-ocean connectivity via Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) in the Ria Formosa Lagoon (Portugal): combining radon measurements and stable isotope hydrology (2015)
Journal Article
Rocha, C., Veiga-Pires, C., Scholten, J., Knoeller, K., Gröcke, D., Carvalho, L., …Wilson, J. (2015). Assessing land-ocean connectivity via Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) in the Ria Formosa Lagoon (Portugal): combining radon measurements and stable isotope hydrology. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 12(11), 12433-12482.

Natural radioactive tracer-based assessments of basin-scale Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) are well developed, but because of the different modes in which SGD takes place and the wide range of spatial and temporal scales under which the flow a... Read More about Assessing land-ocean connectivity via Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) in the Ria Formosa Lagoon (Portugal): combining radon measurements and stable isotope hydrology.

Cultural traditions across a migratory network shape the genetic structure of southern right whales around Australia and New Zealand (2015)
Journal Article
Carroll, E., Baker, C., Watson, M., Alderman, R., Bannister, J., Gaggiotti, O., …Harcourt, R. (2015). Cultural traditions across a migratory network shape the genetic structure of southern right whales around Australia and New Zealand. Scientific Reports, 5,

Fidelity to migratory destinations is an important driver of connectivity in marine and avian species. Here we assess the role of maternally directed learning of migratory habitats, or migratory culture, on the population structure of the endangered... Read More about Cultural traditions across a migratory network shape the genetic structure of southern right whales around Australia and New Zealand.

Erosion of organic carbon in the Arctic as a geological carbon dioxide sink (2015)
Journal Article
Hilton, R., Galy, V., Gaillardet, J., Dellinger, M., Bryant, C., O’Regan, M., …Calmels, D. (2015). Erosion of organic carbon in the Arctic as a geological carbon dioxide sink. Nature, 524(7563), 84-87.

Soils of the northern high latitudes store carbon over millennial timescales (thousands of years) and contain approximately double the carbon stock of the atmosphere1, 2, 3. Warming and associated permafrost thaw can expose soil organic carbon and re... Read More about Erosion of organic carbon in the Arctic as a geological carbon dioxide sink.

Geochemical and palynological sea-level proxies in hemipelagic sediments: A critical assessment from the Upper Cretaceous of the Czech Republic (2015)
Journal Article
Olde, K., Jarvis, I., Uličný, D., Pearce, M., Trabucho-Alexandre, J., Čech, S., …Tocher, B. (2015). Geochemical and palynological sea-level proxies in hemipelagic sediments: A critical assessment from the Upper Cretaceous of the Czech Republic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 435, 222-243.

Geochemical and palynological records are presented for an expanded Turonian–Coniacian hemipelagic succession in the central Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. A high-resolution stratigraphic framework is provided by biostratigraphy and organic carbon stable... Read More about Geochemical and palynological sea-level proxies in hemipelagic sediments: A critical assessment from the Upper Cretaceous of the Czech Republic.

The influence of manuring on stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) in Celtic bean (Vicia faba L.): archaeobotanical and palaeodietary implications (2015)
Journal Article
Treasure, E., Church, M., & Gröcke, D. (2016). The influence of manuring on stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) in Celtic bean (Vicia faba L.): archaeobotanical and palaeodietary implications. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 8(3), 555-562.

This paper examines the impact of animal manure on δ15N and δ13C values in a legume, Celtic Black broad bean (Vicia faba). In a field experiment, V. faba was cultivated in plots treated with farmyard manure and pure sheep manure. The results indicate... Read More about The influence of manuring on stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) in Celtic bean (Vicia faba L.): archaeobotanical and palaeodietary implications.

The effect of interbedding on shale reservoir properties (2015)
Journal Article
Raji, M., Gröcke, D., Greenwell, H., Gluyas, J., & Cornford, C. (2015). The effect of interbedding on shale reservoir properties. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 67, 154-169.

North Sea oil is overwhelmingly generated in shales of the Upper Jurassic – basal Cretaceous Kimmeridge Clay Formation. Once generated, the oil is expelled and ultimately migrates to accumulate in sandstone or carbonate reservoirs. The source rock sh... Read More about The effect of interbedding on shale reservoir properties.