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Professor Darren Grocke's Outputs (2)

Ecosystem effects of invasive crayfish increase with crayfish density (2022)
Journal Article
Galib, S., Sun, J., Gröcke, D., & Lucas, M. (2022). Ecosystem effects of invasive crayfish increase with crayfish density. Freshwater Biology, 67(6), 1005-1019.

1. The nature and extent of effects of increasing densities of non-native species on stream ecosystems remain poorly understood. Non-native crayfish are among the most invasive aquatic species and we hypothesised that, in temperate streams, the exten... Read More about Ecosystem effects of invasive crayfish increase with crayfish density.

Genomics of habitat choice and adaptive evolution in a deep-sea fish (2018)
Journal Article
Gaither, M. R., Gkafas, G. A., de Jong, M., Sarigol, F., Neat, F., Regnier, T., Moore, D., Grӧcke, D. R., Hall, N., Liu, X., Kenny, J., Lucaci, A., Hughes, M., Haldenby, S., & Hoelzel, A. R. (2018). Genomics of habitat choice and adaptive evolution in a deep-sea fish. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2(4), 680-687.

Intraspecific diversity promotes evolutionary change, and when partitioned among geographic regions or habitats can form the basis for speciation. Marine species live in an environment that can provide as much scope for diversification in the vertica... Read More about Genomics of habitat choice and adaptive evolution in a deep-sea fish.