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Professor Darren Grocke's Outputs (3)

‘From the mouths of babes’: a subadult dietary stable isotope perspective on Roman London (Londinium) (2017)
Journal Article
Redfern, R., Gowland, R., Millard, A., Powell, L., & Gröcke, D. (2018). ‘From the mouths of babes’: a subadult dietary stable isotope perspective on Roman London (Londinium). Journal of Archaeological Science, 19, 1030-1040.

Londinium (48–410 CE) was the focus for Roman administration and trade in Britain; it was established and inhabited by people from across the Empire who continued to practice their diverse food-ways. Roman London was a unique settlement, whose fluctu... Read More about ‘From the mouths of babes’: a subadult dietary stable isotope perspective on Roman London (Londinium).

Nitrogen isotope evidence for manuring of Early Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture cereals from Stensborg, Sweden (2017)
Journal Article
Gron, K., Gröcke, D., Larsson, M., Sørensen, L., Larsson, L., Rowley-Conwy, P., & Church, M. (2017). Nitrogen isotope evidence for manuring of Early Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture cereals from Stensborg, Sweden. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 14, 575-579.

Little is known about arable agriculture in the Early Neolithic (4000–3300 cal BC, Funnel Beaker Culture) of Southern Scandinavia. Archaeobotanical material is rare and few archaeological sites have yielded more than a small number of charred cereal... Read More about Nitrogen isotope evidence for manuring of Early Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture cereals from Stensborg, Sweden.

A comparison of using bulk and incremental isotopic analyses to establish weaning practices in the past (2017)
Journal Article
King, C. L., Millard, A. R., Gröcke, D. R., Standen, V. G., Arriaza, B. T., & Halcrow, S. E. (2017). A comparison of using bulk and incremental isotopic analyses to establish weaning practices in the past. Science and Technology of Archaeological Research, 3(1), 126-134.

The use of incremental carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis is gaining momentum as a way of establishing infant feeding practices in the past. Here we examine the differences in information gleaned through incremental isotopic techniques applied to... Read More about A comparison of using bulk and incremental isotopic analyses to establish weaning practices in the past.