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Professor Nick Rosser's Outputs (65)

Terrestrial laser scanning for monitoring the process of hard rock coastal cliff erosion (2005)
Journal Article
Rosser, N., Petley, D., Lim, M., Dunning, S., & Allison, R. (2005). Terrestrial laser scanning for monitoring the process of hard rock coastal cliff erosion. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 38(4), 363-375.

Hard rock cliffs represent approximately 75% of the world's coastline. The rate and nature of the mechanisms that govern the retreat of these cliffs remain poorly constrained, primarily because conventional approaches employed to monitor these proces... Read More about Terrestrial laser scanning for monitoring the process of hard rock coastal cliff erosion.

Combined digital photogrammetry and time-of-flight laser scanning for monitoring cliff evolution (2005)
Journal Article
Lim, M., Petley, D., Rosser, N., Allison, R., Long, A., & Pybus, D. (2005). Combined digital photogrammetry and time-of-flight laser scanning for monitoring cliff evolution. The Photogrammetric Record, 20(110), 109-129.

Although cliffs form approximately 75% of the world's coastline, the understanding of the processes through which they evolve remains limited because of a lack of quantitative data on the morphological changes they undergo. In this paper the combinat... Read More about Combined digital photogrammetry and time-of-flight laser scanning for monitoring cliff evolution.

The origin and evolution of footslope ramps in the sandstone desert environment of south-west Jordan (2005)
Journal Article
Migoń, P., Goudie, A., Allison, R., & Rosser, N. (2005). The origin and evolution of footslope ramps in the sandstone desert environment of south-west Jordan. Journal of Arid Environments, 60(2), 303-320.

In the Cambrian–Ordovician sandstones of south-west Jordan, the spectacular scenery that has developed under arid conditions includes the presence of low-angle (<10°) ramp slopes lying beneath vertical cliffs and running down to adjacent wadi beds or...

Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Rockfalls in Hard Rock Coastal Cliffs
Book Chapter
Whadcoat, S., Rosser, N., Brain, M., & Hardy, R. Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Rockfalls in Hard Rock Coastal Cliffs. In J. De Graff, & A. Shakoor (Eds.), Landslides: Putting Experience, Knowledge and Emerging Technologies into Practice (633 - 644). Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG)

Rock cliffs have been observed to evolve via progressive failure, yet the processes that control progressive failure and how it is spatially manifest are poorly understood. This paper considers the spatial and temporal distribution of rockfalls from... Read More about Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Rockfalls in Hard Rock Coastal Cliffs.