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Professor Jeff Warburton's Outputs (16)

Peat landslides (2021)
Book Chapter
Warburton, J. (2021). Peat landslides. In T. Davies, & N. Rosser (Eds.), Landslide Hazards, Risks, and Disasters (165-198). (Second Edition). Elsevier.

Peat landslides form a distinct suite of slope failures which are characteristic of landscapes where organic soils dominate. Six main types of peat mass movement are recognised: bog burst, bog flow, bog slide, peat slide, peaty-debris slide and peat... Read More about Peat landslides.

Peat hazards: compression and failure (2020)
Book Chapter
Warburton, J. (2020). Peat hazards: compression and failure. In D. Giles, & J. Griffiths (Eds.), Geological hazards in the UK : their occurrence, monitoring and mitigation (243-257). The Geological Society.

Peat is a low density, highly compressible soil that occurs at the surface or may be buried at depth. Peat is essentially an organic, non-mineral soil resulting from the decay of organic matter. In the UK peat deposits are widespread occurring in a w... Read More about Peat hazards: compression and failure.

A Snapshot in Time: The Dynamic and Ephemeral Structure of Peatland Soils (2018)
Book Chapter
Harrington, L., & Warburton, J. (2018). A Snapshot in Time: The Dynamic and Ephemeral Structure of Peatland Soils. In A. Toland, J. Stratton Noller, & G. Wessolek (Eds.), Field to Palette: Dialogues on Soil and Art in the Anthropocene (199-209). CRC Press.

Peat soil is a heterogeneous mixture of decomposed plant material that has accumulated in a water-saturated environment in the absence of oxygen. The structure of peat varies enormously from partially decomposed plant remains to a fine amorphous coll... Read More about A Snapshot in Time: The Dynamic and Ephemeral Structure of Peatland Soils.

Mountain Environments. (2006)
Book Chapter
Warburton, J. (2006). Mountain Environments. In C. Perry, & K. Taylor (Eds.), Environmental Sedimentology (32-74). Blackwell

First order streams (2004)
Book Chapter
Warburton, J. (2004). First order streams. In A. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geomorphology (370-372). Routledge

Contributing Areas (2004)
Book Chapter
Warburton, J. (2004). Contributing Areas. In A. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geomorphology (185-188). Routledge

Reconstructing upland sediment budgets in ungauged catchments from reservoir sedimentation and rainfall records calibrated using short-term streamflow monitoring (2003)
Book Chapter
Holliday, V., Higgitt, D., Warburton, J., & White, S. (2003). Reconstructing upland sediment budgets in ungauged catchments from reservoir sedimentation and rainfall records calibrated using short-term streamflow monitoring. In D. de Boer (Ed.), Erosion prediction in ungauged basins: integrating methods and techniques (59-67)

Torrent erosion in Lake District mountain cathments. (2002)
Book Chapter
Johnson, R., Warburton, J., & Burt, T. (2002). Torrent erosion in Lake District mountain cathments. In T. Burt, D. Thompson, & J. Warburton (Eds.), The British Uplands: Dynamics of Change (139-140). JNCC

Peat mass movements: a World and regional database. (2002)
Book Chapter
Mills, A., Warburton, J., & Higgitt, D. (2002). Peat mass movements: a World and regional database. In T. Burt, D. Thompson, & J. Warburton (Eds.), The British Uplands: Dynamics of Change (166-167). JNCC

GPS: A tool for mapping the uplands. (2002)
Book Chapter
Higgitt, D., & Warburton, J. (2002). GPS: A tool for mapping the uplands. In T. Burt, D. Thompson, & J. Warburton (Eds.), The British Uplands: Dynamics of Change (134-135). JNCC

Una historia de la formacion de los paisajes de Tarija (2001)
Book Chapter
Macklin, M., Maas, G., Warburton, J., Woodward, J., Meldrum, E., & Preston, D. (2001). Una historia de la formacion de los paisajes de Tarija. In S. Beck, N. Paniagua, & D. Preston (Eds.), Historia, Ambientey Sociedad en Tarija, Bolivia (1-7)

Sediment transfer in upland environments. (2001)
Book Chapter
Higgitt, D., Warburton, J., & Evans, M. (2001). Sediment transfer in upland environments. In D. Higgitt, & E. Lee (Eds.), Geomorphological Processes and Landscape Change: Britain in the Last 1000 years. Blackwell