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Professor David Bridgland's Outputs (146)

Fluvial deposits as an archive of early human activity (2007)
Journal Article
Mishra, S., White, M., Beaumont, P., Antoine, P., Bridgland, D., Limondin-Lozouet, N., …White, T. (2007). Fluvial deposits as an archive of early human activity. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(22-24), 2996-3016.

River terraces are well established as an important source of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic artefacts in Europe, large collections having been assembled there during the years of manual gravel extraction. Now that many terrace sequences can be reliab... Read More about Fluvial deposits as an archive of early human activity.

The British Pleistocene fluvial archive: East Midlands drainage evolution and human occupation in the context of the British and NW European record (2007)
Journal Article
Howard, A., Bridgland, D., Knight, D., McNabb, J., Rose, J., Schreve, D., …White, T. (2007). The British Pleistocene fluvial archive: East Midlands drainage evolution and human occupation in the context of the British and NW European record. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(22-24), 2724-2737.

This paper reviews the Pleistocene evolution and human occupation of the River Trent, the major fluvial artery draining Midland Britain, and places it within a modern Quaternary context. In contrast to the sedimentary records of the River Thames and... Read More about The British Pleistocene fluvial archive: East Midlands drainage evolution and human occupation in the context of the British and NW European record.

Ar-Ar dating of late Cenozoic basaltic Euphrates and uplift of the northern Arabian Platform. (2007)
Journal Article
Demir, T., Westaway, R., Bridgland, D., Pringle, M., Yurtmen, S., Beck, A., & Rowbotham, G. (2007). Ar-Ar dating of late Cenozoic basaltic Euphrates and uplift of the northern Arabian Platform. Tectonics, 26(3), Article TC3012.

[1] Ar-Ar dating of basalt flows capping terrace deposits of the River Euphrates in northern Syria has provided a new quantitative chronology for the late Cenozoic evolution of this important river system and for the associated history of surface upl... Read More about Ar-Ar dating of late Cenozoic basaltic Euphrates and uplift of the northern Arabian Platform..

Climatically controlled river terrace staircases: a worldwide Quaternary phenomenon (2007)
Journal Article
Bridgland, D., & Westaway, R. (2007). Climatically controlled river terrace staircases: a worldwide Quaternary phenomenon. Geomorphology, 98(3-4), 285-315.

A comparison of fluvial terrace sequences from around the world, based on data collected as part of International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Project No. 449, has revealed significant patterns. River terraces provide important records of uplift, whic... Read More about Climatically controlled river terrace staircases: a worldwide Quaternary phenomenon.

Late Cenozoic uplift of western Turkey: Improved dating of the Kula Quaternary volcanic field and numerical modelling of the Gediz river terrace staircase. (2006)
Journal Article
Westaway, R., Guillou, H., Yurtment, S., Beck, A., Bridgland, D., Demir, T., …Rowbotham, G. (2006). Late Cenozoic uplift of western Turkey: Improved dating of the Kula Quaternary volcanic field and numerical modelling of the Gediz river terrace staircase. Global and Planetary Change, 51, 131-171.

The Middle and Upper Pleistocene sequence in the Lower Thames: a record of Milankovitch climatic fluctuation and early human occupation of southern Britian. Henry Stopes Memorial Lecture (2006)
Journal Article
Bridgland, D. (2006). The Middle and Upper Pleistocene sequence in the Lower Thames: a record of Milankovitch climatic fluctuation and early human occupation of southern Britian. Henry Stopes Memorial Lecture. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 117(3), 281-305.

The Middle and Upper Pleistocene sequence in the Lower Thames: a record of Milankovitch climatic fluctuation and early human occupation of southern Britain. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 117, 281-305. The sequence of Pleistocene river t... Read More about The Middle and Upper Pleistocene sequence in the Lower Thames: a record of Milankovitch climatic fluctuation and early human occupation of southern Britian. Henry Stopes Memorial Lecture.

The Quaternary uplift history of central southern England: evidence from the terraces of the Solent River system and nearby raised beaches (2006)
Journal Article
Westaway, R., Bridgland, D., & White, M. (2006). The Quaternary uplift history of central southern England: evidence from the terraces of the Solent River system and nearby raised beaches. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(17-18), 2212-2250.

We have used fluvial (Solent River system) and marine terraces to reconstruct the uplift history of central southern England. In the case of the former, we make the assumption that fluvial incision has been a direct response to surface uplift, with i... Read More about The Quaternary uplift history of central southern England: evidence from the terraces of the Solent River system and nearby raised beaches.

The Palaeolithic occupation of Europe as revealed by evidence from the rivers: data from IGCP 449 (2006)
Journal Article
Bridgland, D., Antoine, P., Limondin-Lozouet, N., Santisteban, J., Westaway, R., & White, M. (2006). The Palaeolithic occupation of Europe as revealed by evidence from the rivers: data from IGCP 449. Journal of Quaternary Science, 21(5), 437-455.

IGCP 449 (2000-2004), seeking to correlate fluvial records globally, has compiled a dataset of archaeological records from Pleistocene fluvial sequences. Many terrace sequences can now be reliably dated and correlated with marine oxygen isotope stage... Read More about The Palaeolithic occupation of Europe as revealed by evidence from the rivers: data from IGCP 449.