Climate change, glacier retreat, and water availability in the Caucasus region.
Book Chapter
Shahgedanova, M., Hagg, W., Hassell, D., Stokes, C., & Popovnin, V. (2009). Climate change, glacier retreat, and water availability in the Caucasus region. In J. Jones, T. Vardanian, & C. Hakopian (Eds.), Threats to Global Water Security; NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C - Environmental Security (131-143). Springer Verlag
Professor Chris Stokes' Outputs (159)
Identification and characteristics of surge-type glaciers on Novaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic (2009)
Journal Article
Grant, K., Stokes, C., & Evans, I. (2009). Identification and characteristics of surge-type glaciers on Novaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic. Journal of Glaciology, 55(194), 960-972. present a comprehensive new inventory of surge-type glaciers on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, using high-resolution (up to 4 m) satellite imagery from 1976/77 (Hexagon), 1989 (Landsat TM), 2001 (Landsat ETM+) and 2006 (ASTER). A total of 692 glac... Read More about Identification and characteristics of surge-type glaciers on Novaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic.
Formation of mega-scale glacial lineations observed beneath a West Antarctic ice stream (2009)
Journal Article
King, E., Hindmarsh, R., & Stokes, C. (2009). Formation of mega-scale glacial lineations observed beneath a West Antarctic ice stream. Nature Geoscience, 2(8), 585-596. discharge from large ice sheets takes place through fast-flowing ice streams and their speed is strongly modulated by interactions between the ice and the underlying sediments. Seismic surveys and investigations through boreholes have revealed a... Read More about Formation of mega-scale glacial lineations observed beneath a West Antarctic ice stream.
Major changes in ice stream dynamics during deglaciation of the north-western margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (2009)
Journal Article
Stokes, C., Clark, C., & Storrar, R. (2009). Major changes in ice stream dynamics during deglaciation of the north-western margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(7-8), 721-738. Island lies at the north-western limit of the former North American (Laurentide) Ice Sheet in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and displays numerous cross-cutting glacial lineations. Previous work suggests that several ice streams operated in... Read More about Major changes in ice stream dynamics during deglaciation of the north-western margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet.
Reconstructing ice-sheet dynamics from subglacial sediments and landforms: introduction and overview. (2008)
Journal Article
Ó Cofaigh, C., & Stokes, C. (2008). Reconstructing ice-sheet dynamics from subglacial sediments and landforms: introduction and overview. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33(4), 495-502.
Ice cores. (2008)
Stokes, C. (2008). Ice cores
Ice-sheet dynamics and ice streaming along the coastal parts of northern Norway. (2008)
Journal Article
Ottesen, D., Stokes, C., Rise, L., & Olsen, L. (2008). Ice-sheet dynamics and ice streaming along the coastal parts of northern Norway. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27, 922-940. this paper, regional and high-resolution bathymetric data are used to reconstruct the pattern and dynamics of ice-sheet flow in the fjord and shelf areas of northern Norway. Interpretation of the morphology of the sea floor reveals a series of gla... Read More about Ice-sheet dynamics and ice streaming along the coastal parts of northern Norway..
Superimposition of ribbed moraines on a palaeo-ice-stream bed: implications for ice stream dynamics and shutdown (2008)
Journal Article
Stokes, C., Lian, O., Tulaczyk, S., & Clark, C. (2008). Superimposition of ribbed moraines on a palaeo-ice-stream bed: implications for ice stream dynamics and shutdown. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33(4), 593-609. sediments and landforms preserved on palaeo-ice-stream beds can provide important information about their subglacial conditions and flow mechanisms, and the processes accompanying their shutdown. In this paper, detailed observations of an intrigu... Read More about Superimposition of ribbed moraines on a palaeo-ice-stream bed: implications for ice stream dynamics and shutdown.
Formation mechanisms for ice-stream shear margin moraines (2008)
Journal Article
Hindmarsh, R., & Stokes, C. (2008). Formation mechanisms for ice-stream shear margin moraines. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33(4), 610-626. lateral shear margins of palaeo-ice stream beds are occasionally marked by large curvilinear moraines, but little work has addressed how they might form. In this paper we review the characteristics of ‘lateral shear margin moraines’ and present t... Read More about Formation mechanisms for ice-stream shear margin moraines.
A glacier inventory for the Buordakh Massif, Cherskiy Range, Northeast Siberia, and evidence for recent glacier recession (2008)
Journal Article
Gurney, S., Popovnin, V., Shahgedanova, M., & Stokes, C. (2008). A glacier inventory for the Buordakh Massif, Cherskiy Range, Northeast Siberia, and evidence for recent glacier recession. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 40(1), 81-88. Buordakh Massif, in the Cherskiy Range of northeast Siberia, contains mountains over 3000 m and, despite its arid climate, numerous glaciers. This paper presents a glacier inventory for the region and documents some 80 glaciers, which range in si... Read More about A glacier inventory for the Buordakh Massif, Cherskiy Range, Northeast Siberia, and evidence for recent glacier recession.
Glaciers. (2007)
Stokes, C. (2007). Glaciers
Recent glacier retreat in the Caucasus Mountains, Russia, and associated increase in supraglacial debris cover and supra/proglacial lake development (2007)
Journal Article
Stokes, C., Popovnin, V., Aleynikov, A., Gurney, S., & Shahgedanova, M. (2007). Recent glacier retreat in the Caucasus Mountains, Russia, and associated increase in supraglacial debris cover and supra/proglacial lake development. Annals of Glaciology, 46, 195-203.
Long-term, interannual and intra-seasonal variability in climate and glacier mass balance in the central Greater Caucaus, Russia. (2007)
Journal Article
Shahgedanova, M., Popovnin, V., Aleynikov, A., Petrakov, D., & Stokes, C. (2007). Long-term, interannual and intra-seasonal variability in climate and glacier mass balance in the central Greater Caucaus, Russia. Annals of Glaciology, 46, 355-361
Long-term change, interannual and intra-seasonal variability in climate and glacier mass balance in the central Greater Caucasus, Russia (2007)
Journal Article
Shahgedanova, M., Popovnin, V., Aleynikov, A., Petrakov, D., & Stokes, C. (2007). Long-term change, interannual and intra-seasonal variability in climate and glacier mass balance in the central Greater Caucasus, Russia. Annals of Glaciology, 46, 355-361. trends, interannual and intra-seasonal variability in the mass-balance record from Djankuat glacier, central Greater Caucasus, Russia, are related to local climate change, synoptic and large-scale anomalies in atmospheric circulation. A cle... Read More about Long-term change, interannual and intra-seasonal variability in climate and glacier mass balance in the central Greater Caucasus, Russia.
Ice stream sticky spots: A review of their identification and influence beneath contemporary and palaeo-ice streams (2007)
Journal Article
Stokes, C., Clark, C., Lian, O., & Tulaczyk, S. (2007). Ice stream sticky spots: A review of their identification and influence beneath contemporary and palaeo-ice streams. Earth-Science Reviews, 81(3-4), 217-249. ice streams are the arterial drainage routes in continental ice sheets and exert a major influence on ice sheet mass balance. Recent observations have revealed that ice stream flow exhibits considerable variability, with relatively ra... Read More about Ice stream sticky spots: A review of their identification and influence beneath contemporary and palaeo-ice streams.
A Glacial Geomorphological Map of Victoria Island, Canadian Arctic (2007)
Journal Article
Storrar, R., & Stokes, C. (2007). A Glacial Geomorphological Map of Victoria Island, Canadian Arctic. Journal of Maps, 3(1), 191-210. Island lies at the north-western extremity of the region covered by the vast North American Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. This area is significant because it linked the interior of the LIS to the Arctic Ocean... Read More about A Glacial Geomorphological Map of Victoria Island, Canadian Arctic.
Influence of Ice Streaming on the Ocean-Climate System: Examining the Impact of the M'Clintock Channel Ice Stream, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. (2006)
Book Chapter
Stokes, C., & Clark, C. (2006). Influence of Ice Streaming on the Ocean-Climate System: Examining the Impact of the M'Clintock Channel Ice Stream, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. In P. Knight (Ed.), Glacier Science and Environmental Change (135-136). Blackwell
What can the 'footprint' of a palaeo-ice stream tell us? Interpreting the bed of the Dubawnt Lake Ice Stream, Northern Keewatin, Canada. (2006)
Book Chapter
Stokes, C., & Clark, C. (2006). What can the 'footprint' of a palaeo-ice stream tell us? Interpreting the bed of the Dubawnt Lake Ice Stream, Northern Keewatin, Canada. In P. Knight (Ed.), Glacier Science and Environmental Change (208-209). Blackwell
Subglacial bedform evidence for a major paleo-ice stream and its retreat phases in Amundsen Gulf, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. (2006)
Journal Article
Stokes, C., Clark, C., & Winsborrow, M. (2006). Subglacial bedform evidence for a major paleo-ice stream and its retreat phases in Amundsen Gulf, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Journal of Quaternary Science, 21(4), 399-412
Geomorphological Map of Ribbed Moraines on the Dubawnt Lake Palaeo-Ice Stream Bed: A Signature of Ice Stream Shut-Down? (2006)
Journal Article
Stokes, C., Clark, C., Lian, O., & Tulacztk, S. (2006). Geomorphological Map of Ribbed Moraines on the Dubawnt Lake Palaeo-Ice Stream Bed: A Signature of Ice Stream Shut-Down?. Journal of Maps, 2(1), 1-9.