Book Chapter
Stokes, C., & Korteniemi, J. (2014). Drumlin. In A. Kereszturi, & H. Hargitai (Eds.), The Encylopdeia of Planetary Landforms. Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-9213-9_161-1
Professor Chris Stokes' Outputs (11)
Evidence from geophysical surveys for Younger Dryas (jökulhlaup) sedimentation within Loch Ness. (2013)
Book Chapter
Turner, A., Woodward, J., Dunning, S., Shine, A., Stokes, C., & O'Cofaigh, C. (2013). Evidence from geophysical surveys for Younger Dryas (jökulhlaup) sedimentation within Loch Ness. In C. Boston, S. Lukas, & J. Merritt (Eds.), The Quaternary of the Monadhliath Mountains and Great Glen: Field Guide (89-92). Quaternary Research Association
Evidence of Glacier Flow Directions. (2013)
Book Chapter
Stokes, C. (2013). Evidence of Glacier Flow Directions. In S. Elias (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (895-908). Elsevier
The deglaciation of the Great Glen based on the results of geophysical surveys within Loch Ness. (2013)
Book Chapter
Turner, A., Woodward, J., Dunning, S., Shine, A., Stokes, C., & O'Cofaigh, C. (2013). The deglaciation of the Great Glen based on the results of geophysical surveys within Loch Ness. In C. Boston, S. Lukas, & J. Merritt (Eds.), The Quaternary of the Monadhliath Mountains and Great Glen: Field Guide (83-88). Quaternary Research Association
'Caucasus Mountains' ; 'Novaya Zemlya' ; 'Palaeo-Ice Stream' (2011)
Book Chapter
Stokes, C. (2011). 'Caucasus Mountains' ; 'Novaya Zemlya' ; 'Palaeo-Ice Stream'. In V. Singh, P. Singh, & U. Haritshaya (Eds.), Encyclopedia of snow, ice and glaciers (803-808, 781 , 127-128). Springer Verlag
New insights regarding rapid ice flow from the Thelon Valley, Nunavut Territory. (2010)
Book Chapter
Stokes, C. (2010). New insights regarding rapid ice flow from the Thelon Valley, Nunavut Territory. In L. Chow, & K. McKay (Eds.), Hudson Bay Regional Research (50-52). Aboriginal Issues Press
Climate change, glacier retreat, and water availability in the Caucasus region. (2009)
Book Chapter
Shahgedanova, M., Hagg, W., Hassell, D., Stokes, C., & Popovnin, V. (2009). Climate change, glacier retreat, and water availability in the Caucasus region. In J. Jones, T. Vardanian, & C. Hakopian (Eds.), Threats to Global Water Security; NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C - Environmental Security (131-143). Springer Verlag
Influence of Ice Streaming on the Ocean-Climate System: Examining the Impact of the M'Clintock Channel Ice Stream, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. (2006)
Book Chapter
Stokes, C., & Clark, C. (2006). Influence of Ice Streaming on the Ocean-Climate System: Examining the Impact of the M'Clintock Channel Ice Stream, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. In P. Knight (Ed.), Glacier Science and Environmental Change (135-136). Blackwell
What can the 'footprint' of a palaeo-ice stream tell us? Interpreting the bed of the Dubawnt Lake Ice Stream, Northern Keewatin, Canada. (2006)
Book Chapter
Stokes, C., & Clark, C. (2006). What can the 'footprint' of a palaeo-ice stream tell us? Interpreting the bed of the Dubawnt Lake Ice Stream, Northern Keewatin, Canada. In P. Knight (Ed.), Glacier Science and Environmental Change (208-209). Blackwell
Palaeo-Ice Stream Landsystem. (2003)
Book Chapter
Clark, C., & Stokes, C. (2003). Palaeo-Ice Stream Landsystem. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (204-227). Arnold
'Ice Sheet' and 'Ice Stream'. (2003)
Book Chapter
Stokes, C. (2003). 'Ice Sheet' and 'Ice Stream'. In A. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geomorphology. Routledge