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Professor Chris Stokes' Outputs (15)

Reconstructing the retreat dynamics of the Bjørnøyrenna Ice Stream based on new 3D seismic geomorphology from the central Barents Sea (2016)
Journal Article
Piasecka, E., Winsborrow, M., Andreassen, K., & Stokes, C. (2016). Reconstructing the retreat dynamics of the Bjørnøyrenna Ice Stream based on new 3D seismic geomorphology from the central Barents Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 151, 212-227.

The stability of contemporary ice sheets is influenced by the discharge from ice streams - corridors of fast-flowing ice bounded by ice flowing an order of magnitude slower. Reconstructions of palaeo-ice stream dynamics contribute to our understandin... Read More about Reconstructing the retreat dynamics of the Bjørnøyrenna Ice Stream based on new 3D seismic geomorphology from the central Barents Sea.

Dynamics of former ice lobes of the southernmost Patagonian Ice Sheet based on a glacial landsystems approach (2016)
Journal Article
Darvill, C., Stokes, C., Bentley, M., Evans, D., & Lovell, H. (2016). Dynamics of former ice lobes of the southernmost Patagonian Ice Sheet based on a glacial landsystems approach. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32(6), 857-876.

Reconstructions of former ice masses from glacial geomorphology help to constrain the nature and timing of glaciation in relation to climatic forcing. This paper presents a new reconstruction of the glacial history of five ice lobes in southernmost S... Read More about Dynamics of former ice lobes of the southernmost Patagonian Ice Sheet based on a glacial landsystems approach.

Seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on an East Antarctic outlet glacier (2016)
Journal Article
Langley, E., Leeson, A., Stokes, C., & Jamieson, S. (2016). Seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on an East Antarctic outlet glacier. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(16), 8563-8571.

Supraglacial lakes are known to influence ice melt and ice flow on the Greenland ice sheet and potentially cause ice shelf disintegration on the Antarctic Peninsula. In East Antarctica, however, our understanding of their behavior and impact is more... Read More about Seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on an East Antarctic outlet glacier.

The timing and cause of glacial advances in the southern mid-latitudes during the last glacial cycle based on a synthesis of exposure ages from Patagonia and New Zealand (2016)
Journal Article
Darvill, C., Bentley, M., Stokes, C., & Shulmeister, J. (2016). The timing and cause of glacial advances in the southern mid-latitudes during the last glacial cycle based on a synthesis of exposure ages from Patagonia and New Zealand. Quaternary Science Reviews, 149, 200-214.

Glacier advances in the southern mid-latitudes during the last glacial cycle (ca. 110–10 ka) were controlled by changes in temperature and precipitation linked to several important ocean-climate systems. As such, the timing of glacial advance and ret... Read More about The timing and cause of glacial advances in the southern mid-latitudes during the last glacial cycle based on a synthesis of exposure ages from Patagonia and New Zealand.

Subglacial bedform morphology controlled by ice speed and sediment thickness (2016)
Journal Article
Barchyn, T., Dowling, T., Stokes, C., & Hugenholtz, C. (2016). Subglacial bedform morphology controlled by ice speed and sediment thickness. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(14), 7572-7580.

Subglacial bedforms (drumlins, ribbed moraines, mega-scale glacial lineations) are enigmatic repetitive flow-parallel and flow-transverse landforms common in glaciated landscapes. Their evolution and morphology are a potentially powerful constraint f... Read More about Subglacial bedform morphology controlled by ice speed and sediment thickness.

Exploring Explanations of Subglacial Bedform Sizes Using Statistical Models (2016)
Journal Article
Hillier, J., Kougioumtzoglou, I., Stokes, C., Smith, M., Clark, C., & Spagnolo, M. (2016). Exploring Explanations of Subglacial Bedform Sizes Using Statistical Models. PLoS ONE, 11(7), Article e0159489.

Sediments beneath modern ice sheets exert a key control on their flow, but are largely inaccessible except through geophysics or boreholes. In contrast, palaeo-ice sheet beds are accessible, and typically characterised by numerous bedforms. However,... Read More about Exploring Explanations of Subglacial Bedform Sizes Using Statistical Models.

Ribbed bedforms on palaeo-ice stream beds resemble regular patterns of basal shear stress (‘traction ribs’) inferred from modern ice streams (2016)
Journal Article
Stokes, C., Margold, M., & Creyts, T. (2016). Ribbed bedforms on palaeo-ice stream beds resemble regular patterns of basal shear stress (‘traction ribs’) inferred from modern ice streams. Journal of Glaciology, 62(234), 696-713.

Rapidly-flowing ice streams are an important mechanism through which ice sheets lose mass, and much work has been focussed on elucidating the processes that increase or decrease their velocity. Recent work using standard inverse methods has inferred... Read More about Ribbed bedforms on palaeo-ice stream beds resemble regular patterns of basal shear stress (‘traction ribs’) inferred from modern ice streams.

Pan–ice-sheet glacier terminus change in East Antarctica reveals sensitivity of Wilkes Land to sea-ice changes (2016)
Journal Article
Miles, B., Stokes, C., & Jamieson, S. (2016). Pan–ice-sheet glacier terminus change in East Antarctica reveals sensitivity of Wilkes Land to sea-ice changes. Science Advances, 2(5), Article e1501350.

The dynamics of ocean-terminating outlet glaciers are an important component of ice-sheet mass balance. Using satellite imagery for the past 40 years, we compile an approximately decadal record of outlet-glacier terminus position change around the en... Read More about Pan–ice-sheet glacier terminus change in East Antarctica reveals sensitivity of Wilkes Land to sea-ice changes.

Subglacial processes on an Antarctic ice stream bed. 1: Sediment transport and bedform genesis inferred from marine geophysical data (2016)
Journal Article
Livingstone, S., Stokes, C., O Cofaigh, C., Hillenbrand, C., Vieli, A., Jamieson, S., …Dowdeswell, J. (2016). Subglacial processes on an Antarctic ice stream bed. 1: Sediment transport and bedform genesis inferred from marine geophysical data. Journal of Glaciology, 62(232), 270-284.

The spatial pattern and morphometry of bedforms and their relationship to sediment thickness have been analysed in the Marguerite Bay Palaeo-ice stream Trough, western Antarctic Peninsula. Over 17 000 glacial landforms were measured from geophysical... Read More about Subglacial processes on an Antarctic ice stream bed. 1: Sediment transport and bedform genesis inferred from marine geophysical data.

Subglacial processes on an Antarctic ice stream bed. 2: Can modelled ice dynamics explain the morphology of mega-scale glacial lineations? (2016)
Journal Article
Jamieson, S., Stokes, C., Livingstone, S., Vieli, A., Ò Cofaigh, C., Hillenbrand, C., & Spagnolo, M. (2016). Subglacial processes on an Antarctic ice stream bed. 2: Can modelled ice dynamics explain the morphology of mega-scale glacial lineations?. Journal of Glaciology, 62(232), 285-298.

Mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) are highly elongate subglacial bedforms associated with ice streaming. However, the link between MSGLs and rapid ice flow is largely qualitative, and there have been few attempts to quantitatively link their form... Read More about Subglacial processes on an Antarctic ice stream bed. 2: Can modelled ice dynamics explain the morphology of mega-scale glacial lineations?.

Ice stream motion facilitated by a shallow-deforming and accreting bed (2016)
Journal Article
Spagnolo, M., Phillips, E., Piotrowski, J., Rea, B., Clark, C., Stokes, C., …Szuman, I. (2016). Ice stream motion facilitated by a shallow-deforming and accreting bed. Nature Communications, 7, Article 10723.

Ice streams drain large portions of ice sheets and play a fundamental role in governing their response to atmospheric and oceanic forcing, with implications for sea-level change. The mechanisms that generate ice stream flow remain elusive. Basal slid... Read More about Ice stream motion facilitated by a shallow-deforming and accreting bed.

Ice stream activity scaled to ice sheet volume during Laurentide Ice Sheet deglaciation (2016)
Journal Article
Stokes, C., Margold, M., Clark, C., & Tarasov, L. (2016). Ice stream activity scaled to ice sheet volume during Laurentide Ice Sheet deglaciation. Nature, 530(7590), 322-326.

The contribution of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets to sea level has increased in recent decades, largely owing to the thinning and retreat of outlet glaciers and ice streams1, 2, 3, 4. This dynamic loss is a serious concern, with some mo... Read More about Ice stream activity scaled to ice sheet volume during Laurentide Ice Sheet deglaciation.

The glacial geomorphology of the Loch Lomond Stadial in Britain: a map and geographic information system resource of published evidence (2016)
Journal Article
Bickerdike, H., Evans, D., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Stokes, C. (2016). The glacial geomorphology of the Loch Lomond Stadial in Britain: a map and geographic information system resource of published evidence. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 1178-1186.

The Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS) was an abrupt period of renewed cooling between 12.9 and 11.7 ka and has long been associated with the regrowth of glaciers in much of upland Britain. Mapping the glacial landforms associated with this period has been un... Read More about The glacial geomorphology of the Loch Lomond Stadial in Britain: a map and geographic information system resource of published evidence.

Landform assemblages and sedimentary processes along the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream (2016)
Journal Article
Otteson, D., Stokes, C., Bøe, R., Rise, L., Longva, O., Thorsnes, T., …Hestvik, O. (2016). Landform assemblages and sedimentary processes along the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream. Sedimentary Geology, 338, 115-137.

Several regional and detailed bathymetric datasets together with 2D and 3D seismic data are compiled to investigate the landform assemblages and sedimentary processes along the former path of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream (NCIS). At the broad scal... Read More about Landform assemblages and sedimentary processes along the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream.

Do subglacial bedforms comprise a size and shape continuum? (2016)
Journal Article
Ely, J., Clark, C., Spagnolo, M., Stokes, C., Greenwood, S., Hughese, A., …Hessg, D. (2016). Do subglacial bedforms comprise a size and shape continuum?. Geomorphology, 257, 108-119.

Understanding the evolution of the ice-bed interface is fundamentally important for gaining insight into the dynamics of ice masses and how subglacial landforms are created. However, the formation of the suite of landforms generated at this boundary... Read More about Do subglacial bedforms comprise a size and shape continuum?.