Reconstructing the retreat dynamics of the Bjørnøyrenna Ice Stream based on new 3D seismic geomorphology from the central Barents Sea
Journal Article
Piasecka, E., Winsborrow, M., Andreassen, K., & Stokes, C. (2016). Reconstructing the retreat dynamics of the Bjørnøyrenna Ice Stream based on new 3D seismic geomorphology from the central Barents Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 151, 212-227.
The stability of contemporary ice sheets is influenced by the discharge from ice streams - corridors of fast-flowing ice bounded by ice flowing an order of magnitude slower. Reconstructions of palaeo-ice stream dynamics contribute to our understandin... Read More about Reconstructing the retreat dynamics of the Bjørnøyrenna Ice Stream based on new 3D seismic geomorphology from the central Barents Sea.